Urgent Questions


Well-Known Member
I have the Emily's Hydroponic System with planters that sit in the resuvaur. So the plants feed whenever they want. I have a air pump so it bubbles, so it can feed the plants.

I came to look @ my plants today and they have roots in the water, 1 or 2 leaves were yellow, and most leaves are droopy.
About 5 days ago I was using water and my plants were perfect. ph 5.8 - 6.3
About 3 days ago I changed to nutirents, ph was now 6.0 - 7.0

So today I clipped the yellow leaves, emptied the resuvuar and put new water in it (no nutrients), and put the plants back in the resuvaur.

Can I have the roots just laying in the water?
What is causing my leaves to droop?
How can I fix my plant before it becomes more deadly?



Well-Known Member
wow, I am subscribing to this thread so I can find out what's going on. Sorry I don't have an answer as I know nothing about hydroponics. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like a problem due to improper ph.

do you see rust spots on the leaves? what kind of water are you using?


Elite Rolling Society
Hey, Man, I answered your 14 PMs politely, but please just ask me on this thread. I'm glad and willing to help you but when you asked me if you might be "over watering" and you are using a hydro system, that question made me have to ask you a question.
did you read all you can at GROWFAQ ?
Peace bro, again i'm glad to help, but your thread is better way than all thsoe PMs.


Well-Known Member
blazin, i sent you a couple of pm's; a link to a thread (i didn't read it, but i do believe they resolved the issue) and a link to a site where i know someone who can deff help you. he is the owner of the site, and one of the most knowledgeable hydro peeps i've ever talked to. he has a commercial veggie farm and all. check you pm's and get back to me.



I'm about 2 weeks away from finishing up a grow (ended up with just 2 females) in an Emily's system - and let me tell you, it is way to small to really grow decent weed in! About 3-4 weeks ago my pH started going out of wack (keeps rising), and various nute problems keep showing in the plant because of pH lockout. If you can, switch your plants over to a homemade 10 or 18 gallon Rubbermaid bubbleponic unit, 'cause this has been a royal pain in my ass trying to finish out these plants. After I'm done, I'm going to take that Emily's system out back and smash it "Office Space" style.

For the roots, I have about an inch thick mat of roots in the bottom of the system. I keep about an inch of water in the system, so the roots are pretty much 'in water' all the time (maybe that's why I ended up with all the problems).


Have they been overheated just before this happened? How badly is this anyway?; Could you post pics? If the roots are turning a dark color--anything but white, that's not good at all. The root system should really be light tight.. If these were not issues would you say it is more the older or younger leaves? How old is it? When young they are not nearly as hardy. But if it is the young leaves yellowing, you may have low Fe or Mn levels. If it's pretty well just the older leaves that are yellowing, you may have low N, K, Mg, Zn levels. All of the old leaves dropping could mean a nitrogen deficiency. That's the best I can say for you for now, but post some pics, tell me what stage it's in, and the conditions it was in before this happened and how it has reacted since would help. Just to be sure... Your plant isn't in late flower stage is it? If so, this is normal and can signal that plant is getting ready to end it's cycle and die. In late flowering this can happen because the plant draws the nutrients out of the big fan leaves before they go to fall off.