Urgent please help!!


Well-Known Member
i ahve been flowering a autoflowering white russian dwarf. it is 5 days into flowering i think its a hermi!! now i have some seedlings that i had just put in the same room not even all the way out of the soil u think it will effect them at this young age also how long is the pollen in the air?? thanks:cuss:


Well-Known Member
:finger:why be a fuckin faggit about it? ifu dont like dont post on this thread. i am just making sure my shit is not ruined.:cuss:bongsmilie


I would say your lighting schedule is fuct, why are you adding a seedling into a flowering room? no wonder a plant went hermie...Pollen will stay in the room for months assuming it is viable pollen...a 5 day flower will not have that ability. Yes you can have a hermie within 5 days, even 24 hours...but you need to know the difference between pollen release and a banana shooting out of a calyx.


Well-Known Member
The way I read into this is that you had one plant in your flowering space/room and you think it may have hermed. There were no other plants in there at that time. You put your unsprouted/barely sprouted seedlings in that same space and are now worried about their potential flowers being pollinated by the hermie two or three months after the hermie has been removed.

Is that what your concern is? Residual pollen fertilizing seedlings? Please clarify that for me Chronic. There's been enough bashing in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Ok well this is how it all went down. i had one autoflowering white russian planted then i started the other seedlings. they were in the humidity dome be germinated.. then on day 4 when they had poped put of the soil i put them in the grow room under some cfls. the next day is when a guy on here told me he thought he saw a sak. so i checked and sure enough it was a hermie.. but i disposed of it and was just wondering if any of the saks did open do u think my seedlings are in jep? and as for the lighting schedule since it was an autoflowerin dwarf there is no flowering room there the same cause autos can go from seed to bud with just 20/4.

thank you for your time i was just tripin out last night thinkin my shit was all lost


Well-Known Member
The way I read into this is that you had one plant in your flowering space/room and you think it may have hermed. There were no other plants in there at that time. You put your unsprouted/barely sprouted seedlings in that same space and are now worried about their potential flowers being pollinated by the hermie two or three months after the hermie has been removed.

Is that what your concern is? Residual pollen fertilizing seedlings? Please clarify that for me Chronic. There's been enough bashing in this thread.
yes it is i was just wondering if my seedling may be in jep? if so how to remove pollen?


Well-Known Member
If you can smell your vacuum cleaner when it's running, then using such to try and clean up may result in much worse spreading of the pollen.
Regardless, I'd sacrifice THAT bag when I was done (IF I vacuumed the bud-euphorium)


Well-Known Member
IMHO, you have nothing to worry about. The pollen has to fall on a pistil to make a seed in your bud. If you're really worried, wipe down all the surfaces in your grow area. That way you'll avoid the one chance in a million that you knock a pollen spore off a light fixture or something when your seedlings start sprouting pistils.