URGENT Please help identify problem. Plants acting burnt finding white webs in the dirt

Had a couple mothers do this a month ago and found the same weird white webbing in the dirt. No webbing on the plants anywhere, no spiders anywhere, have duty through dirt no spiders there. I have 13 clones in same closet. 9 are fine the other 4 are doing what 2 of my mothers did, literally happening in two days since my transplant. I put a good amount of great white on the rots but they all got basically the same. After transplant I poured some molasses straight into the dirt then a bunch of water with some nutes(nectar for the gods, Bio veg, B52, suprekelp, a little call mag and a little humid acid) over the top of the molasses. They all looked fine the next morning(yesterday), that night 3 were starting to look burnt then today this morning those 3 were bad and one more looked burnt now tonight all 4 look pretty burnt and droopy. Leaves have shriveled up in size and are dry, the stems are soft and falling over. Two pots the dirt is still pretty wet, in the other 2 the dirt is fairly dry but wet and darker a couple inches down.

Long story short, plants ate still in veg about a month old, the leaves are dried and shriveled, the stems are soft kinda wet feeling and falling over, and finding small white webbing looking stuff in the top inch of the soil in those 4 but no signs of bugs anywhere at all and sprayed with some spider mite x. Room got to 90 degrees for 3 hours day before the transplant but been between 70 and 82 since with a nice breeze on em. Really no idea what's going on and can't afford to lose these 4.

Wondering if maybe I over nuted, if I overwatered and theyre drowning, if an abidance of great white would kill them, if the 3 hours at 90 the day before could be doing something or if those 4 just got really unlucky and got mites or something somehow I just really don't understand what the white webbing in the dirt is. The top inch is also very crusty and kinda hard I think from just pouring molasses without mixing with water not sure why I did that. Been spraying with straight water since yesterday. They are in roots organic mixed with coco loco coco coir. Not sure if I can just water very heavily and try to push the shit like backed up nutes out of the dirt or what I should do.

Will have pics from the day of transplant and from tonight to show difference in the last 2 days
The first 4 are obviously the ones with the problems the rest are just in the closet and pictured to show how healthy they are. This next set of pictures shows them before the transplant when they were fine just two days ago, trying to get some pics of the webbing in the dirt
The last 3 pictures are of right after the transplant back in the closet. They havent been moved since besides to water they are still in same locations as from the healthy picture so you can see how the same plants looked 2 days ago. The other pictures are off the plants as I was transplanting them I was taking pictures. This last couple pictures will be of the white webbing or mold that I'm finding in the dirt.
All 7 of these are from different plants of,the same closet. What scares me is those are all healthy perfectly,green plants and I'd really hate to see these things get that traumatized like the first 4. I really need some help fast identify this webbing, what's causing it, and what caused those 4 plants to basically die in 2 days


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Root Rot, Pythium..in time the pot base may well smell like rotten socks

you may get a propitiatory solution from you grow shop,

keep them alive in the short term by spraying water on the fan leaves 2x per day

see it as the roots are rotted out, dipping the roots, not rootball in neem oil and warm water

then transplant to dry sand or soil mix is good

no water until you see some good action

its a fungal disease in most instances from dirty gear. water or contaminated soil

be warned you have a fight on your hands, stay sharp

good luck
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I'm no expert, but I'd say you way overdid the molasses and they're feeling the burn.

The white stuff is fungus hyphae from the great white.

Did they sit in watersoaked pots since transplant? Definitely unhappy, looks like a root problem to me. I drowned a plant once and it looked just like that...

I'm sorry bro, hope they pull through
So even these healthy ones have it and are going to start showing signs of it and,dying? And your saying I have to rip them out of dirt and wash off the roots and repot? Your paragraph was pretty misworded in not sure I understood it. Is pythium an additive or a disease name but yeah it does smell like dogshit in here. Your news was kinda a worst case answer which really sucks but you,sound right cause it does smell terrible I couldn't tell why
Root Rot, Pythium..in time the pot base may well smell like rotten socks

you may get a propitiatory solution from you grow shop,

keep them alive in the short term by spraying water on the fan leaves 2x per day

see it as the roots are rotted out, dipping the roots, not rootball in neem oil and warm water

then transplant to dry sand or soil mix is good

no water until you see some good action

its a fungal disease in most instances from dirty gear. water or contaminated soil

be warned you have a fight on your hands, stay sharp

good luck
Yeah watered right after the transplant and had em in bags so the water didn't run on carpet
I'm no expert, but I'd say you way overdid the molasses and they're feeling the burn.

The white stuff is fungus hyphae from the great white.

Did they sit in watersoaked pots since transplant? Definitely unhappy, looks like a root problem to me. I drowned a plant once and it looked just like that...

I'm sorry bro, hope they pull through
So even these healthy ones have it and are going to start showing signs of it and,dying? And your saying I have to rip them out of dirt and wash off the roots and repot? Your paragraph was pretty misworded in not sure I understood it. Is pythium an additive or a disease name but yeah it does smell like dogshit in here. Your news was kinda a worst case answer which really sucks but you,sound right cause it does smell terrible I couldn't tell why
I advise growers a lot since I've been growing over 40 years

in that time I've had this ....one of the worst for any grow


pythium is a fungal disease often set off by overwatering,

this is one of the worst an average grower can get,

if you survive this it will be to your credit

good luck
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Yeah watered right after the transplant and had em in bags so the water didn't run on carpet
Sounds like you drowned a few of them. The bad looking ones might be a loss, time will tell. If they're not looking better, toss em.

The white hairy stuff is the great white working. That what it does, did you read up on it? It's a beneficial fungus.

Vostok is right, clean up your grow space bro, that's how bad things happen!