urgent! need help asap


Well-Known Member
I feed her 2 days ago. she's getting worst i have researched so much and still can't figure it out

Calm down.

It will take more than just a single feeding for her to recoup.

Keep alternating your feeding with water and see what happens.



Well-Known Member
Sorry forget pics
they look fine mate . i have found after reading and watching many many threads that people seem to overthink this whole growing thing . It is a weed after all . just stick to the basics and you should be right . if your plants not looking rite reduce the nutes , if that dosent work increase the nutes . i have wasted money on flash ph meters all the rest of it and have found it to be just a waste of money . Ultimately the plant will let you know what it needs , and given time you will be able to diagnose it just by looking at it .