URGENT: Large Branch Break

Kid Thulu

New Member
I have a Blue Cheese about two days into flowering. A large lower branch has been broken off at the main stem. I have tried to tape it back to the main stem but I do not know if this will save it as the tissue was torn away from the main stem. This has absolutely broken my heart and I cried for a good ten minutes when I saw the damage this morning. I think my tying was way to tight Is there anything I can do to help the branch and the plant? Should I revert back to vegetative cycles until the plant fills out again? Again, I have been only flowering for two days, but I do not know if reverting back would hurt the plants. Please, any assistance would be highly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
The lower branches are not typically known for producing large flowers. I often lollipop them for clones. Do you have a picture?

Kid Thulu

New Member
photo 2.jpg

Here is a (very poor) picture of the broken stem and my attempt at repair. I used non adhesive black tape and two sticks for support. I apologize, but I could not rotate the picture the correct orientation. I have no idea why it is doing that. But with your head tilted to the left, the broken branch is the one on the left. I sprayed the plant with a foiler seaweed spray, and it has not yet showed intense signs of wilting. I hope it can be saved, but if not I may be able to supercrop a few surrounding branches, and rework my tying to compensate for the loss in foliage space. I use a mix between defoliating and tying to get a full and even spread of budding throughout the entire plant. This has worked great on some of my branches, which will produce an extreme amount of budding sites. This one however does not posses the correct inter-nodal spacing for such development. I feel so awful for harming this plant in such a heinous manner. Could this damage have a significant impact on the further development of the plant, and if so what could I do to stave off some of these ill-effects?


Active Member
you would be amazed how strong these plants are. Keep the two ends together. Tape and zip ties can be your best friend. LLS Just be glad it wasn't one of your main colas.

Kid Thulu

New Member
Well the branch is still holding upright with the support I gave it. I added a couple of zip ties for the sake of integrity. If the limb doesn't die, how long should I wait before I remove the tape? I was thinking 2-3 days but I don't have any previous experience in this to make a good educated guess.


New Member
If the break severed it enough to cause death to the branch it would wilt in no time at all . Cannabis can repair itself rapidly , give it a few days and keep your hands off from the damaged area and even then, keep your hands off from it lol