Urgent Is This A Male?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
got home today and checked on my plants and noticed some round things at the end of 2 of my plants they look like seeds to me but they could just be a new brantch about to grow here is a pic they are about 5-6 weeks old and about 12 inches tall


Well-Known Member
its a male, you should have known a week ago, better luck next time.MOOOOREEE LIIIIIGGGHHHHTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
it alright i got 10 plants and only 2 have balls so far damn shame though im gonna have to put them down aren't i lol

bummer i really liked Jimmy:(


Well-Known Member
right so just to be sure.... so im not throwing away some fucking hybrid shit lol

its defo a male and i should get it out of there soon!?

Cheers x T2 x


Active Member
I suppose you're right, many of the males "get down" with the females just not in any sensimilla grows. ;)


Well-Known Member
well my mate had a brill idea take the males away an plant them in a big pot and let them grow then let the seeds drop and then plant them and just keep letting the fucker grow and then i will have loads of seeds so i can grow whenever i want lol and i can try making my own strain :D


Well-Known Member
well my mate had a brill idea take the males away an plant them in a big pot and let them grow then let the seeds drop and then plant them and just keep letting the fucker grow and then i will have loads of seeds so i can grow whenever i want lol and i can try making my own strain :D
Lol, thats not quite how it works bro...

Ever heard the term "It takes two to tango?"


Well-Known Member
well i just moved the males into a dif grow room i just made lol

so im gonna let them carry on growing and then just smoke them or give them to somone as bush


Well-Known Member
well i just moved the males into a dif grow room i just made lol

so im gonna let them carry on growing and then just smoke them or give them to somone as bush
Male pollen can travel many miles, a different room is no guarentee that your ladies wont be seeded. Pollen can stick very easily to clothing. Go water the guys, then the girls, bam... seeds.

Kill them.


Well-Known Member
the dark deed is done

it drying out though im still gonna smoke the fucker might get a lil high lol


Well-Known Member
well my mate had a brill idea take the males away an plant them in a big pot and let them grow then let the seeds drop and then plant them and just keep letting the fucker grow and then i will have loads of seeds so i can grow whenever i want lol and i can try making my own strain :D

Ahahahaha, sorry I don't mean to laugh. Let me guess you guys came up with idea while high right?


Well-Known Member
the Dark Deed Is done Master lol

yeah there dead we wraped them up in a plastic bag b4 we moved them out of the room and then went at it with scisors lol

gonna let it dry and smoke it see if anything happens lol

cheers again


Well-Known Member
yeah you'll prolly get a massive head rush man! ohh sorry i mean massive headache...lol srry but the only way ive heard of gettin high is to make tea from the leaves or stems but i would just smoke the bud from a bag first

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
right so just to be sure.... so im not throwing away some fucking hybrid shit lol

its defo a male and i should get it out of there soon!?

Cheers x T2 x
chop it, its a male
oops didnt see the second page. dont bother smoking it just toss it
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Well-Known Member
I dont smoke that shit, my dad's been smoking my trimmings to help him quit smoking cigs. Heres a pic of what to look for on your next grow, female pistils have a small white hair coming out of them, males have balls, heres a female pic