URGENT help needed !



I just made a thread because my plant was stretching a little and it looked like this:

View attachment 2487064

I got fast replies and i used the replant those stretchy stems guide. I picked up the plant with ALOMST all the roots and then put it back in the pot with a little soil in it and filled it. This is 10 minutes ago and now she looks like this:


She looks so sad now :( Is this just game over or what?
Thanks. You guys rule



Well-Known Member
She? How'd you figure that out? LOL...

But seriously - she'll ever get better or she wont. Either way, not the end of the world. Give her time.

Astral Zoom

Active Member
make sure the soil is pretty tightly packed around the stem that you just initiated root grow to.
and a humid ten is also good.

How far away and what are the lamp types?


Well-Known Member
Pro Tip: Start in a cup that is disposable (SOLO cups are the best IMO) That way when you want to transplant, you just cut down the side of the cup. Zero transplant shock.


Active Member
You say you pulled the plant free with most of the roots... was that with dirt around or just roots exposed? If you can, try and dig around where you think the perimeter of the roots are and transplant it like that.... I say this only cause I got this impression when reading your OP. Hope she recovers!


Shes up again. Don't know what happened, but shes okay know.
I didn't know that they were able to change looks so fast though! wow!
Thanks for all the great advice.


Well-Known Member
Glad you took my advice on the replant those stems lol :) Yeah they can react fast haha glad she working for ya but next time try n loosen the soil up around the edges of pot and get all of the soil next time that way you keep your roots intact and dont shock em to much

Astral Zoom

Active Member
Shes up again. Don't know what happened, but shes okay know.
I didn't know that they were able to change looks so fast though! wow!
Thanks for all the great advice.
YAY. great to hear. they are amazing plants,

they grow like... hmmm... a weed? aha