urgent HELP!! needed with scrog method out of control PICS!!

View attachment 1864308View attachment 1864309View attachment 1864310View attachment 1864311View attachment 1864312View attachment 1864313hello there need a bit of advise please!! lol ive currently got 10 plants (skunk no1) in soil and there under 2 large 600watt adjusta wings with super spreader on im 3 weeks into flower now and im doing the scrog method its all going great so far but now ive hit a bit of a problem,

now i know i put to many plants in the space i have and now whats happend is that the bud sites are to close together and the branches at the bottom are not getting enough light, the buds at the top of the net are looking great but im wondering what i should do with the lower branches ive heard of people using small energy saving bulbs in the middle of the scrog for a bit of side lighting but would that make much of a difernce if i used say for example six 50watt energy saving bulbs in the middle of the scrog?

it il put some pics up so you can see what i mean
another little question aswell is how much do you think i could get out of this setup have a look at my pics

would be very grateful for any help you can give me
thanx in advance :-)


Active Member
Its a little late for this, but look into "lolli popping". I guess if your biggest problem is that you have too much bud...youre doing ok. Nice setup, less plants next time, and keep it up. Good luck and good growing
cheers for the advise m8t il look in to that one now, so how much do you think i could get out of this ive only done about 4 or 5 grows indoors and ive never really paid much attention to how much weed ive got of my previous grows lol but i hear 0.5 grams per watt is what were looking to achive do you think i could get this amount out of this setup there is 1200 watts in this room so 600 grams is what im looking for if at all possible


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say that your pictures are out of control...I'd say more outta sight man...you've got a frothy bed of goodness going on there...just trim it up a bit next time about a week before going into into 12/12 so that all those nutrients and goodness go straight up to the tops...they look fantastic...i just want to roll around in it and rub colas in my naught places...lol :D


I think it looks fine from what I can see but like 'gotigers0420' said it may be in your best interest to consider lolly-popping your plants up to about the screen level. This will allow the wasted resources, that are going to those low branches, to be redirected up to your main colas. Other than that a SCROG will definitely fill out up top (kinda the point) so dont worry about it unless it really gets out of hand. Cheers
thanks for all the great advise guys yes um yes i had a quick look at the fourms about loli popping and there seems to be mixed views on how to do it can you offer any tips on how to do it :-) its just this is the first time ive heard of loli popping so havent got a clue how to do this. sorry im still quite new to growing so bare with me lol so how much do you guys think i could get out of this setup any ideas?