URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!Whole Plant Has Fallen Over 5 Weeks into flower!!!


Hi there, i have 5 plants of different strains in a 2.4m grow tent, they have planty of light (2 x 600w HPS) and plenty of air circulation (8" RVK extractor and 6" RVK intake) powered by a Primair Controller, there is 2 circulating fans inside the tent also.the temp is around 28'C during light and no lower than 21'c during night. I am growing in coco, using full canna nutrient set, they are just over 5 weeks into flower, and all seemed really healthy, nice fat buds and heathtly leaves ect, HOWEVER........

I just got in from work about an hour ago to find 1 of my plants (white widow) completely fallen over, the whole main stem and branches have just got all floppy and lost their strenght, like they cant support themselves, They are watered every 2 days (if i leave for any longer they droop, 2 days is perfect for the soil to be 1" dry at the top) and when i water i water so theres just a little running out the bottom.

In a panic i have tied all the buds up individually with some thin rope attached to the roof of the tent to all the large buds to hold them up.

Was this the right thing to do? what could have caused my plant to just go all limp like that? also i lost 1 good sized branch (it snapped) Is there a chance it will survive now? what should i do now to care for it?

The leaves all still look strong and and good colour :/

Any help would really....help me right now :/


Well i dont have any pictures of when i got in when it had all fallen, but i have pictures of how it looks now :/ Why would a whole plant just suddenly fall over like that?!

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Well-Known Member
Hmm, looks real healthy. Do you have any animals that could have knocked it over? If not i heard about widows growing tall like that and getting top heavy. If you relieve the stress on the stems by keeping them tied up, you should be just fine, it should't inhibit the growth.. definitely keep an eye on it. Looks healthy :D


Well thats definately a slight sigh of relief, Thanks for your help. Ill keep my fingers crossed for her and keep a close eye. :)


Legal Moderator, Esq.
go to a local store and get a bean pole or a tomato cage and put it around it, it looks to me like it just got to heavy to support itself.

Edit: looks like you've sort of done that. Keep an eye on the other ones too. Top heavy plants tend to lean slightly then just plop over lol. It's a good sign you did a lot of things right to have them producing that kinda yield though