Urgent! Help Needed Please!


Active Member
hi there, im currently doin my first coco grow and seem to be having a slightly large problem. my plants have just finished week 2 of flower and they not getting very bushy at all, in fact they the skinniest ive ever had. i was wondering if its to late or will they still be ok if i sort the problem! they seem to be a bit pale (nitrogen deficient) i been using ionic coco feed. and i had this problem earlier in veg and people on here suggested i added a little more nutes which i did only slightly and got a burn.. they recoverd ok but still i think it was bad advice.. hopefully ill get some decent advice this time! picture added is of the worse plant.... thanks in advance to anyones help!



Well-Known Member
what kinda light are you growing under, it looks awfully leggy. from clone or seed? and what size pot are you in?


Active Member
hi mate, they under 600 watt light, but the first problem i had was heat stress and they didnt need more nutes so i had to bring the light away for them to recover.. they from seed and in a 10 liter pot!


Well-Known Member
how far is the light from the top?
(yeah looks like the light could be a bit far. good work on that mate!)
thanks mate!


Well-Known Member
nothing looks really bad.... i have a nevilles haze that looks alot like that, could just be the strain. are all 3 pics up there taken at the same time?
for a plant that size i'd personally use no less than 3 gallon container (12l) i believe.


Well-Known Member
the rest of my plants look like this
you can see the difference, its all in the genetics cause they all get the same treatment


Active Member
well what i did today was went to the garden store and found some baby bio, it has a npk of 10/4/1.7
so high in nitrogen.. ive put a bit of that in the feed on that plant and hopefully she will start to grow better.. its about 15 inch from light and its a really bushy strain normally but none are that bushy yet to what they normally are! do u think they will end up ok? yeah the pics taken together!


Well-Known Member
from what i understand of the whole NPK thing is plants need more N during veg, and more P&K during flower

how often are you watering?


Active Member
just once a day now they drinking pretty fast, i thought the lack of nitrogen is whats causing the paleness and the stunted growth?


Well-Known Member
i'd suggest letting your soil dry more than your used to, i stick my whole middle finger in the dirt and if its moist AT ALL, i wait till the next day. you could be having a nutrient lock out due to over watering. my advise is to let your plant show you when it needs water, and dont add any nutes unlessd there flowering specific, which will have low n and high pk values


Active Member
well its growing in coco fibre not soil so im not sure if u can over water.. i was watering once every 2 days but the pot are getting quite light after a day now! ive been keeping the nutes on the low side after the burn, not even half stregth..do u think i should up them to half strength? thanks for replying btw!


Well-Known Member
i dont wanna tell you to do the wrong thing... in the first picture the plant looks fine and in the other 2 it looks yellow as hell.

thats normally a N dificiency but like i said im pretty sure they stop using so much N and use more P K during flower. your nutrients are high in N anyway and sound more like veg nutes to me. only nutrients i'd give at this point are bloom boosters. high in P K



Active Member
yeah it was the yellowness i was tryin to capture, ive been using ionic bloom for 5 weeks, i bought that baby bio today thinking of just adding a little N in the plant pictured just to get it a nice green again!
many thanks for the advice mystifiedbongs :) ill get to work on her and be back in a day or 2! cheers mate!