Urgent advice needed...

Thanks shame I didn’t wait another minute I almost ran to remove them.. only thing I did try to be careful but one was right in front of a fan.. so... I will now spray the life out of them and see what happens.. ive never really grown from seed relying on them being female my own fault entirely. I’ve just germinated 2 Capulator MAC V2 so I’m praying I’ve got a nice female as two didn’t germinate. Have 6 more so will wait till I see what I’ve got.. Will be checking this time :wall: thank you ✌
Don't worry about it. You will get some seeds. It won't reduce your potency and getting 'free' seeds is a bonus. I usually grow seeded crops, deliberately. It smokes great and I rarely buy seeds unless it's something I'm curious about.
Don't worry about it. You will get some seeds. It won't reduce your potency and getting 'free' seeds is a bonus. I usually grow seeded crops, deliberately. It smokes great and I rarely buy seeds unless it's something I'm curious about.
This Was my first run in a long while and had no way of getting any clones so just had to go for it with seeds, shame I didn’t pay enough attention before flipping.. As for the seeds they Should be interesting being three different strains in the room. I just hope I won’t have bundles of them.. thank you
Water denatures pollen. As a Hail Mary when you remove a male bag him or spray him with water before clipping and bagging him out of your net. After he's gone spray all the females copiously with water. It will denature some, not all and you'll have less seeding but you'll probably still see quite a few seeds. Bonus is you'll have plenty of seeds for another run.

You can always toss a stem from your plants in a cup of water and flip the branches. Then you'll know who is male before you flip the plants themselves.

Best of luck
"You can always toss a stem from your plants in a cup of water and flip the branches. Then you'll know who is male before you flip the plants themselves."

Great idea! Thanks for the knowledge!