regular sugar as in household cooking sugar. pH is a measure of acidity of a solution in terms of activity of hydrogen. confused? pick up a chem book at the library. you grow outdoors in soil, i grow hydroponically. if i neglect my pH even for 24 hours, my plants could be damaged to the point of a lost crop. and yes your gallery looks nice, but they are TINY for outdoor crops. i used to ONLY grow outdoors and yielded close to a pound per plant. so what? this isnt a fucking pissing contest, this is a grow forum. i said adding sugar to a nutrient solution causes root damage and invites pests and rhizomorphic bacterium. why do i say this? hmm, i dunno, maybe because ive tried it. the forum petains to urban legends, so i suggest it stays that way. if you want to continue this, feel free to pm me.