Upside down cutting


Well-Known Member
Hey guys while pondering on life and shit, I came up with the crazy idea of taking a cutting and placing the top in the soil. With the leaves trimmed of of course leaving just the stem to be dipped in rooting hormone , and 2-3 sets of nodes above soil . I googled it and it appears that no one has done this and lived to tell the tale, so I guess I'm a pioneer, il be using Neville's haze and il take the cutting next week and throw some pics up on this thread for those interested , il flower the cutting after a week or two of veg , should be interesting. And if I'm the first to do this, I'm going to call this technique Greek style
Wow lol. I hate to participate in this...but perhaps if u left the root system in a root cube or wtvr, to sustain the life, whil the "head root" grew, i guess it might work. Just seems wrong haha. Post pics lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah , the only reason I can think off why it wouldn't work is that maybe the system that carries water and nutrients may only work one direction


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you are describing here...are you talking about taking a cutting and putting the top of it in the soil instead of where you originally cut it off the mother?

Good luck with that :).


New Member
i'm a biologist and i just can't imagine why anyone with any shred of intelligence would want to try this or think it might be a worthwhile idea. . . . man oh man.


Well-Known Member
i'm a biologist and i just can't imagine why anyone with any shred of intelligence would want to try this or think it might be a worthwhile idea. . . . man oh man.
You're a biologist and you don't understand experimentation for the puropse of learning?


Well-Known Member
Why not? There's a few people saying its a shit idea and there's no point but I bet when I put some pics up of this upside down monstrosity you'll be clicking on then and zooming in having a look at my Greek style plant haha : p
I understand the fun of experimenting and learning, but what would make you think it is going to be an upside down monstrosity? I would imagine it should root, mj is an extremely resilient plant. Althought it would probably take longer to develop roots. I doubt the plant would turn where you took the cutting from into a new growth tip, should just act like a plant that has been topped and switch the energy to the branches.

Best of luck with your experiment. Will be interested in seeing if there are any effects on the plant that aren't negative.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Stupid question I'm sure. But if you put the plant upside down and all the leaves underground and no root system how will it survive until it grows roots? That's the part I'm struggling with. Another one is how do you prevent an air embolus from killing it?


Well-Known Member
Stupid question I'm sure. But if you put the plant upside down and all the leaves underground and no root system how will it survive until it grows roots? That's the part I'm struggling with. Another one is how do you prevent an air embolus from killing it?
Leaves trimmed of the top for somewhere for roots to sprout , 2-3 nodes above the ground


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
So you'll have the top buried and the bottom leaves showing? How will the use light from their underbellies? I'm trying hard to visualize this and still can't see how you won't have an uncontrolled air embolus.


Active Member
uhm... the reason the top is the top is that is the direction of the circulatory system... at the top are leaf-buds sites.. not stem...all you will get is a stick rotting in the root-cube....

like they said...
