Updates @ 18 Days, please comment


Well-Known Member
here are my lades at 18 days, i killed the 3 runts, they were less than 1/5th the size of the rest. decided to off them and dedicate more light to the dominent plants,PLEASE comment. i feel that they seem to be ok, but i would a expert opinion, thnx link to the grow below--------------------------420


Well-Known Member
thnx alot, thats what i need to hear. there not the purdiest, the leaves almost look over crowded but there nice and dense, been flowering for 3 days now,hope the sx will show soon, and YES people i kow there are very young to flower but based on the fact that you can grow with a 12/12 cycle from seed and have bud on the plant in a matter of 3 weeks, i dont think it will present a problem, time will tell. Not many people grow 12/12 from seed as they want bigger plants with a bigger yeild BUT...if 12/12 from seed will produce a plant ready to harvest in 2-2 1/2 months, im all for it, also based on that theory you can add new seedling to the grow at any given time due to the constant flowering cycle. Im sure people will frown upon me for doing this but you have to keep in mind. NO PLANT IS BORN INTO THIS WORLD ON A 24/0 CYCLE. nature intended for 12-16 hrs of daylight. the only reason marijuna in nature takes so long to flower id due to the sun. The hue of the sun changes to orange in the late summer/fall telling them to bud, spring and summer, the sun's hue naturally puts off a blue/or full spetrem light. Ill keep ya'll posted on how my theory works out. If it goes a flop, no biggie, there bagseed so no cash loss but i doubt that will happen