updated with pics MEASLES any pros please help


Active Member
have read the problem guides still I am stumped.Plants are doing fine through veg and 2 weeks into 12/12.after 2 weeks of 12/12 leaves look like they have measeles little brown spots leaves are covered in these spots starts with old leaves first and spreads rapidly til yellowing and eventually killing the plant. I believe this is a magnesium deficiency have tried epson salts to no prevail. Now im going to ask a stupid question so be patient ( I have done 6 grows all excellent results and never tested my PH levels in my soil)am doing the same regiment with different strain(NLf2)and is it possible that my ph levels are out of wack and causing a nute lockout?water intake has slowed after 2nd week of 12/12.My feeding schedule if this helps (Miracle grow 18-18-21 1/3strength Floralicious Bloom 1 ts per gallon)I feed 1nce a week and water halfway through the week using 400 w HPS 3 gall pots Thanks in advance all for the help Temps 75 -81 45%RH have ph tester now different pots reading between 4.7 and 5.1 anyone tell me how to raise the ph cheaply (plants with ph of 5.1 are healthier than the ones with 4.7)


Active Member
sorry to all for starting new thread was trying to bring thread to front still learning how this site works (awesome site)


Active Member
according to chart trying to fix MG deficiency causes MN deficiency still leaves me in same spot
but I do have mottling was not sure what it meant til now when coming out of darkness to light
a lot of lime green areas for first two hours of light


Active Member
I finally went out and got a ph tester soil is reading in different pots between 4.7 and 5.1 Higher the # the healthier the plant this may help someone to tell me what i need to do and how do i raise my PH relatively cheaply


Active Member
have read the problem guides still I am stumped.Plants are doing fine through veg and 2 weeks into 12/12.after 2 weeks of 12/12 leaves look like they have measeles little brown spots leaves are covered in these spots starts with old leaves first and spreads rapidly til yellowing and eventually killing the plant. I believe this is a magnesium deficiency have tried epson salts to no prevail. Now im going to ask a stupid question so be patient ( I have done 6 grows all excellent results and never tested my PH levels in my soil)am doing the same regiment with different strain(NLf2)and is it possible that my ph levels are out of wack and causing a nute lockout?water intake has slowed after 2nd week of 12/12.My feeding schedule if this helps (Miracle grow 18-18-21 1/3strength Floralicious Bloom 1 ts per gallon)I feed 1nce a week and water halfway through the week using 400 w HPS 3 gall pots Thanks in advance all for the help Temps 75 -81 45%RH have ph tester now different pots reading between 4.7 and 5.1 anyone tell me how to raise the ph cheaply (plants with ph of 5.1 are healthier than the ones with 4.7)
Update:Hope this helps someone,This entire problem was due to nute lockout I was feeding 1/3 strength the first day of 12/12 and i am using slow release fert soil The new batch I have started on 12/12(all cloned from same mother)I fed 1 plant just watered the rest and in just a few days the one plant I fed is awful looking leaves all clawed and fan leaves showing what looks like measles all the rest of the plants are 100 % healthy and doing great (If anyone could give some advice on when to start feeding Id appreciate it they are in 3 gal pots)