updated pictures


Active Member
okay, so to recap, I got my plant from a friend. When I recieved it, it was already in its flowering stage. I started off by giving it just basic tap water(aged for atleast 2 days). It went back into vegetative state and started progressing. This is waht it looked like:
plant2 001.jpgplant 002.jpg
About 2 weeks ago, I decided to transplant it. As soon as I did, it took off!
It has now gone from about 5 inches tall to a full foot. It was placed into flowering stage, but as soon as I transplanted it, it went back into vegetative state AGAIN!
plant2 001.jpgplant2 004.jpgplant2 002.jpg
I know its not the best looking plant in the world, but for this being my first time growing, I feel that I am doing alright. I appreciate constructive criticism.

yall have a good one :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
the pics are fine, nice looking plant I like the leaf structure. I've never tried revegging myself but i've seen alot of success stories. keep it up!