Update Video!! less than2 weeks till harvest!!


Active Member
new video guys and ladies, also some updates on the new crop ive been training, for you guys topping tying and training[video=youtube_share;_paVtAa6bSw]http://youtu.be/_paVtAa6bSw[/video]

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Ok...ok so I doesn't have the same effect. I set the light behind the bud to get a pic. But I do have 8 more weeks to go! She's just starting to stack up nicely. She smells just like pine sol. I'm still impressed by the dwc every time I open my tent. Can't wait to hear your numbers and a quality check. O yeah...enjoy the pic of my snow. It's still snowing so I could see up to like 6 more inches....



Active Member
Hydro....What up man.. SNOW ... FUCK ME.... It was 82 here yesterday... :)

Why do you leave the MH light for a few days when you flip..... is that to ease the transition from MH to HPS.

otherwise looking really good on those lil babies , they have really grown in the last week.


Active Member
yes to ease the transitition between bulbs, little less stress!!!
Hydro....What up man.. SNOW ... FUCK ME.... It was 82 here yesterday... :)

Why do you leave the MH light for a few days when you flip..... is that to ease the transition from MH to HPS.

otherwise looking really good on those lil babies , they have really grown in the last week.


Well-Known Member
damn dude, so nice cant wait to see the yield from those suckers!!!! and the final manicured product of course ;)


Active Member
you guys all, THANK YOU!!!, this is the kind of feedback that makes them grow nice, this grow is looking nice and ive been driven by good people like all you guys, and the next im gonna prove my pound in this tent by goin at it even more in depth, THANKS!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Looking real nice HC420.

Calibration has a habit of biting you in the ass hey. Lol.

Something else to consider to limit the stretch further is that you can keep that MH in for the stretch period. Then switch to your hps.

This more blue spectrum from the MH will limit the stretch and by keeping your day and night temps within a few degrees difference if possible will help limit that stretch even further.

Still a great looking tent though!



Active Member
Ah huh, the ph tester was off by about 1 full point, shows how quick shit happens with a hydro setup, a little more attention to detail, and its a learning experience!!!!
Looking real nice HC420.

Calibration has a habit of biting you in the ass hey. Lol.

Something else to consider to limit the stretch further is that you can keep that MH in for the stretch period. Then switch to your hps.

This more blue spectrum from the MH will limit the stretch and by keeping your day and night temps within a few degrees difference if possible will help limit that stretch even further.

Still a great looking tent though!



Active Member
Looking good! Learning allot from you. Have you considered running the MH the last week or so for more UVB? Just something I read recently. Only problem is the glass from you hood has to be removed as I guess it blocks UVB.

Again just something I read in a book, I have no experience with it.


Active Member
i have and im gonna do t the next grow, and my light oesnt have glass ayways so itll b fine, THANK YOU!!! appreciated comments and compliments
Looking good! Learning allot from you. Have you considered running the MH the last week or so for more UVB? Just something I read recently. Only problem is the glass from you hood has to be removed as I guess it blocks UVB.

Again just something I read in a book, I have no experience with it.