Update Video - 2 Weeks into veg and all tied up


Well-Known Member
Would love any tips or suggestions.

[video=youtube;6aDZI5q4YW0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aDZI5q4YW0&feature=youtu.be [/video]


Active Member
lovin the setup GD, thanks for mentioning my name, thats very thoughful, your plants look great, i actually stopped taping now, and have been using yarn to tie back the top of the stalk, ths causes an "S" in the stalk, i have 8 tops and 2 colas on each now, and im about to top the 2 new ones to make 4 colas
Would love any tips or suggestions.

[video=youtube;6aDZI5q4YW0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aDZI5q4YW0&feature=youtu.be [/video]


Well-Known Member
I abandoned the tape as well and did a few diff tie downs. Here's pics from today. The G13 Cheese (last two pics) is amazing. She's very centered with tons of tops coming out in a cluster. Can't tie down beyond keeping some fan leaves lowered to expose the tops.

CY 1 4-17.jpgCY2 4-17.jpgCY3 4-17.jpgG13 1 4-17.jpgG13 2 4-17.jpg


Well-Known Member
I am going to post later today. Two weeks into flower and doing good. Only weird thing is that the g13 cheese is not stretching like the others...


Active Member
They do look nice and healthy, good job. As far as training I like to drill small holes all around the top of the pot and use pieces of a high guage wire to train with, easy to use anyway for me.