Update strange plants!!!

dont give them any nutrients rite now. I dont know what that kind of soil that is but you might want to transplant to something different
Germinate new seeds, but u can let them just hang out in the same room to see maybe these little retard girls grow big mammas
even if they do grow, they wont be their full potential, youll have a bunch of little gimpy plants. that will most likey hermie due to stress
them peat pots SUCK ASS MAN!! they stay wet and get mold growing in them and fuck the roots up bad do not use them hell i dont know why they even sell them!!
Keep going. 'The weed' often struggles through early days, usually through our mess ups. It's at it most vulnerable in it's early days, much like a new born baby and if they survive, anything you do now is unlikely to make it hermie later on.