Update. Mybe can tell when to harwest?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!
So this is my first grow update.
Grew it from a seed that i got with my weed.
First indoor grow. No outdoor grows.
Can u mybe tell me time when to harvest. I don't know how old is the plant. image.jpegimage.jpeg


New Member
^what RM3 said.

Life's generally easier if you keep mental (or physical) notes on how long your plants have been growing. Could take 60 days to flower, or even 90 days.

But I recommend getting a 40x-60x jeweler's loupe to check out the trichomes.

"When [trichomes are] clear, plants are not yet fully mature. If harvested when the trichome stalks appear cloudy or milky in color, the cannabinoid profile will typically deliver a more heady, energetic, and sativa-like high. If allowed to grow even longer, trichomes will achieve an amber or brown color, meaning the cannabinoids will deliver a more relaxed body high that’s stereotypically associated with indica strains."
- https://www.whaxy.com/learn/what-are-trichomes