Update!! How much longer mannnnn


Active Member
whats goood 4 months in finally got some flowering
about 30 mins from nyc and its starting to get chilly at night
do you think ill get some goodies by the end of oct?



Well-Known Member
they really wont be done by the end of oct they will be biger but not done, but you will get some free smoke

ital farmer

Well-Known Member
Wow, that seems pretty behind if you started in June. I agree with mcpurple, they'll get bigger but I doubt they'll have time to finish before it starts freezing.


Well-Known Member
depnds on your standards whether you want to smoke premature bud. it's a shame about the weather this far north, we get screwed when it comes to outdoor growing


Active Member
I'm in the same boat with my super silver and super lemon haze. Might have to dig em up and bring em inside. Or add a heater to the green house.


Well-Known Member
my SLH is doing ok.. but, i bought some Black Label Master Kush and they are at a similar early phase still.. i should have read the description more carefully - "They are not suitable for outdoor growing, unless you live in a very warm country with a stable climate..." i hope they have some weight by nov.. can't go very far beyond oct here..


Active Member
Ya I can't go pass oct either, gonna get cold quick
I'm hoping for some bud this is my first grow so I ill be pretty happy to get hhahaa
Its been flowering for about 2 weeks now
by the end oct you think it will have bud on it or still flowering?


Well-Known Member
it will have bud on it and more then it does now, and once flowering it is flowering till you pick it. like i said it will be preemy but its smoke it wont be the best but im sure it will get you high.


Well-Known Member
If you like an up, cerebral, energetic smoke, you will probably be satisfied with what you get(in quality, idk about quantity), especially as a first grow. As long as you cure it properly, it's likely to be some of the best stuff you've ever smoked unless you regularly get super high grade(who can afford that, man?). If you're into a super-heavy, sit on the couch and veg type of smoke, you might be disappointed.


Well-Known Member
If you like an up, cerebral, energetic smoke, you will probably be satisfied with what you get(in quality, idk about quantity), especially as a first grow. As long as you cure it properly, it's likely to be some of the best stuff you've ever smoked unless you regularly get super high grade(who can afford that, man?). If you're into a super-heavy, sit on the couch and veg type of smoke, you might be disappointed.
great quality is always cheap in oregon.


Active Member
hahaha, i do pick up a qt of quality bud each week.. this is prob going to be some shitty regs compared to what i get.
honestly i dont care how good it is, i just wanna say "yo i grew this shit"
thx for the replies
btw were getting hammered with this storm today


Well-Known Member
He's 30 mins outside of NYC = dirt brown reg costs the amount you pay for high grade in oregon.
dam fuck those prices and grow you own im glad im out west
for 80 i can get a oz of decent mexi weed, but i havent had to pay for weed since i have my card so thats a nice thing

hahaha, i do pick up a qt of quality bud each week.. this is prob going to be some shitty regs compared to what i get.
honestly i dont care how good it is, i just wanna say "yo i grew this shit"
thx for the replies
btw were getting hammered with this storm today
hey the best bud IMO is the bud you grow your self,


Active Member
yeah maybe if you can do it where its safe
my plants 30 mins from nyc, but i live in nyc
theres nothing like some nyc sour