update Day 28 BOGGLEGUM Floro Grow


Active Member
HOLLA! okay so theres a possible magnesium difficiency, at least i think thats what the yellow streaks on my leaves are. if someone could let me know that'd be great. also, does anyone have any idea of the sex? i took a close up of the pistils just incase. any other suggestions? im planning on switching it over to 12/12 in a few days because im hoping to harvest in 2 months.



Well-Known Member
HOLLA! okay so theres a possible magnesium difficiency, at least i think thats what the yellow streaks on my leaves are. if someone could let me know that'd be great. also, does anyone have any idea of the sex? i took a close up of the pistils just incase. any other suggestions? im planning on switching it over to 12/12 in a few days because im hoping to harvest in 2 months.
You don't need to make a thread everytime you have an update. Now since you have new problems you should have labeled the topic accordingly. And you plant isn't showing sex at all, it's too young.


Active Member
ya i thought about that but it seems nobody will even bother to look at a thread theyve been to already. anyway, thanks for wasting a post now can you help me?


Well-Known Member
Sexing by that picture isn't really possible. After going into 12/12 for a week or two you'll know. You can presex the plants with a microscope but I've never really cared to learn how so far. As far as the yellow streaks and tips, it looks to me to be a slight over-fertilizing.

Some more info might be helpful and will certainly get you an answer from some of the better growers on here.

Soil pH
Water pH
Temperature range
Feeding schedule

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
fair enough. If it's an mg deficiency, mix 1/4 tsp epsom salts in a gallon of water. Mist them with the lights off and feed them the rest.


Well-Known Member
You kiddin? 28 Days and that's how big they are? It's not an MG deficiency, it's not overwatering, it's not nute burn, it's rootbound. Get it the hell out of those pots. Time to move up and out my friend. It's stayed stunted as long as it can without WANTING to kill itself. Transplant, and you'll be just fine.

Looks like you have a good handle on things, just give those roots some room to stretch out and that plant will explode with growth. If I were you I would transplant, give it a week to recover, a week to grow properly and then send it on it's way for 12/12. I wouldn't go 12/12 for at least another 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I think the pot is big enough. I didn't expand the picture that had the boxes and get a good size reference. You just didn't fill it with enough soil. Why did you only fill it 1/2 way?


Active Member
the reason the pots arent filled to the brim is becuase i started with these big pots because i was terrified of transplanting. also i want to switch over to flower soon becuase i leave for school in 2 months and am hoping to harvest right around then.


Well-Known Member
You not wanting to transplant doesn't answer the question, "why did you only fill them half way?". If you didn't want to transplant and you were trying to give them plenty of rootspace, why only fill it up 1/2 way? It's the equivalent of having it in a pot 1/2 the size.


Active Member
dude the pots are plenty more than half full. why dont you make some helpful comments instead of being pointlessly argumentative.


New Member
i don't see any evidence of routbound yet. the plants look healthy. go ahead and sex 'em.

you will want to repot soon though (or lift and add soil, i guess.) give the roots room to breath when they need it most, preferably before flowering.


Well-Known Member
Phan take a chill PUFF and listen up, you need to get those ladies some more soil! And stop being so defensive and look at the overall picture, there is more then one way to skin a cat or "take a Puff", but the botom line is that you need to give them some breathing room..You could have filled your pots up with more soil to begin with and you would not be in this situation..Now, get some more soil in those pots, or transplant them into a pot with more soil...good luck and dream of sticky things