upcoming first outdoor grow attempt need help


Hey errybody!!

So i plan on trying my first outdoor grow this upcoming summer and need some pointers. do i start the plant indoor and then make the transfer? because i have read on some seed websites that it could spoil the flowering time. also, where does the permanent location of this plant need to be? does it need 100% access to sun( absolutely no shade, in the middle of a open field) or can i get away with having them somewhere in the woods with limited outside vegetation? any tips would be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
If possible, it is always recommended starting indoors. Even 2-3 weeks inside under some lights will dramatically increase the survival rate. Young seedlings are very delicate and something as simple as a light rain shower can wash them away. I'm not sure where you read that will spoil the flowering time. In Boston, most plants will start flowering late July or early August as the days grow shorter.

For your climate, I wouldn't put them out any earlier than the second week in May. From there, work backwards from how long you plan to veg inside. I usually start my first round mid April to give myself about a month veg time. I have a 2nd round of planting I do immediately after and have those seedlings planted and ready to take their place in my small veg cab as soon as the first plants go out. Even if you put plants out, say, June 1, with a 2-3 veg period beforehand they still get quite large.

They don't necessarily need to be in a wide open field, but generally speaking, the more sun the better. 5 hours minimum of direct sunlight is a good rule of thumb. I personally like some direct morning sun to evaporate off any dew or rain that may have fallen the night before to prevent mold.


Well-Known Member
Spend all april prepping your grow sites. I'm using the sam spot as last year and a new one, not as many trees to cut down or brush to clear up. Spend time camoflogin your sites, Dont leave garbage out in the woods, If i ever found a empty bag of soil or a nutes container or even a pail, id look around the area see if theres a amateur grower out there.

Most importantly fro growing is Don't Tell None Of Your Buddys