Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!


Well-Known Member
Just a quick comparison... 2 weeks into flower...:bigjoint:

I have removed a total of 8 males out of 36 so far... there are still 3 sativas to show... :weed:

These were not lollipoped as I didn't have enough to fill the trays and they weren't "cloned for SOG" so I am just going with the flow....:razz:

Not my best looking batch, but I guess it;s going well enough... what do you guys think?:razz:



Well-Known Member
Amazing batch of herbage, bro.. love the early trich formation. How many days flower is that? Looks early, anyway..


Well-Known Member
Still my one little baby girl. =) She stepped it up very well. This was yesterday, day 13 of Flowering. Keep in mind, this is my first grow and I'm being very discrete and have very limited options, so I'm really stoked on this first grow. I'm learning so much here, though and I appreciate everyone and this forum so much! Grow on.

