Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Leave leaves alone! Removal of healthy leave hacks up a healthy plant. Removing large or shade leaves DOES NOT make plants more productive. This practice DOES NOT supply more light to smaller leaves and growing tips. Plants need all their leaves to produce the maximum amount of chlorophyll and food. Removing leaves slows chlorophyll production, stresses the plant, and stunts its growth. Stress is a growth inhibitor. Remove only dead leaves or leaves that are more than 50 perfect damages.

Don't ever remove fan leaves before harvest for several reasons.

1. The fan leaves convert and store more energy for the plant than any other leaf. The more energy the plant generates the healthier the buds that is just millions of years of genetics at work.

2. Even if the fan leaves are yellowing in late bloom I do not remove them until they are almost ready to fall off. The yellowing in the fan leaves at late harvest is the plants metabolism at work. She is transferring all stored energy in the fan leaf to bud production. It is the easiest source of energy she has late in life. Once again millions of years of genetics can't be wrong or we wouldn't have weeds to grow now.
But dont forget the exception which is if you are lollipopping the plant then removing the lower brnaches and fan leaves actually increses the output of the plant but is mostly done in veg. But as said the general rule is not to much pruning when in flower


Well-Known Member
Yeah there are those more advanced methods, but you never want to confuse someone who asks if its ok to take off leaves because the bush is too thick lol.
Know what I'm saying....

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Joe Camel

Yeah thats sucks when you lose your leafs. I am adding some N suppliment in my 12/12 ( 26 days ).
Yeah Thats the first time this has ever happened to me. My yield is shit and it happened to my whole crop. But Im sure we all go through all kinds if detrimental circumstances. Its just part of our nature.



Well-Known Member
Yeah Thats the first time this has ever happened to me. My yield is shit and it happened to my whole crop. But Im sure we all go through all kinds if detrimental circumstances. Its just part of our nature.

No doubt. Somethings are beyond are control, climate,mites, etc.


Well-Known Member
More pictures less chit-chat........Nah jus' playin. But I do like to see nice close up photos of Trichs if ya gottem.

or how bout some artsy shit like



The pictures on this website are cool. I look forward to viewing them. Thanks!

I would encourage all those in the US and Canada to avoid anything in the pics that can identify you our your home.

When you take a picture keep your hands and arms out of it. Don't show your house, living room, basement, etc. Either move the plant(s) to another room (ie. bathroom) or put a bed sheet behind it. Even if its legal to have medical MJ, please do not give korrupt kops any info that may be used against you.



Well-Known Member
Hey man, Try to throw some pic's up here along with all your Q & A.

I'm not a thread Nazi or anything but I'd like to see more of this:


This is my own lady TODAY! Fresh off the memorychip. 4 weeks or so flower time so far and Nutes with a bit of Molasses in a soil outdoor setting.


Well-Known Member
I'll keep it rollin'.....:bigjoint:.....Heres whats under my 2x 400 watt MH's right now.....

These are PPP and White Widow 5 weeks in 12/12, fed the FF Trio:hump:



Well-Known Member
Hey mafia I heard that HPS is better for flowering than MH. My buddy has Metal halide for veg and HPS for flower, I hear its about the color spectrum.