Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!


Well-Known Member
Thaks SuperBaked..i should take those vids down..since i literally took the walls down with the bud. whole new op, itz in , but still short of anything green..and i havent flipped the on switch yet. New vids to come when mods are done


Well-Known Member
Totally jealous!

I am loving all the people who update regularly on this thread!

Thanks for all the great posts!:mrgreen:

Here is a few Up To Date Photos from the Dragonslair.



Well-Known Member
well Gypsy..almost half of the 21 O goner already.. so sad..but good. this morning when burped i tasted each and aroma and scent are strong now.. taste is good no hay here. so thats good . eatin that shit up. anyways new room is not only close..its there. all the major venting is in intact to stay. I uploaded a vid to u tube, Gypsy, how do u insert vids..as far as not just the link , the actual vid..anyways thanks for ur advice..and as far as the jars..now i got some scratch ill be buying some glass jars...


Well-Known Member
well Gypsy..almost half of the 21 O goner already.. so sad..but good. this morning when burped i tasted each and aroma and scent are strong now.. taste is good no hay here. so thats good . eatin that shit up. anyways new room is not only close..its there. all the major venting is in intact to stay. I uploaded a vid to u tube, Gypsy, how do u insert vids..as far as not just the link , the actual vid..anyways thanks for ur advice..and as far as the jars..now i got some scratch ill be buying some glass jars...
Try it like this...

SOG said:
MediMary said:
hey GB how do I post videos so they show up like urs..

you need to post only the clip portion of the link (after the equals sign (=))
then place in you tube brackets like this

for example
your link

code you will need to post
[youtube]8JryQXilMj4[/youtube ]


Well-Known Member
Sounds nice man. Sounds like about what I got off my WW I just cut. Let me know what kind of weight you get, I've been thinking about getting some church beans. I've heard its some killer shit.
I will see if I can get a nice scale to let you know.

I am cutting the rest of the plant today so I will post pics and in a couple of weeks I will weigh it out dry :)


Well-Known Member
Here is the final harvest pics of my Church.

Decent ammount to smoke in the upcoming months :) She was a good producer and really easy to grow. Hopefully she will be even better to smoke :)

The last pic has the bud that I cut 6 days ago. It is the one in the middle, so you can see a difference in that period of time.



Well-Known Member
Here is the final harvest pics of my Church.

Decent ammount to smoke in the upcoming months :) She was a good producer and really easy to grow. Hopefully she will be even better to smoke :)

The last pic has the bud that I cut 6 days ago. It is the one in the middle, so you can see a difference in that period of time.

Very nice.



Well-Known Member
Round 1 down, round 2 coming up.

3-4 more weeks on my 2 Super Skunks :)
We have some Supa Skunk going . I am finding it is getting nute burn on the edge of the leaves , where as ouir other strains don't mind the ppm we are at , 600 . Do you use less nutes on ur SS ?


Well-Known Member
We have some Supa Skunk going . I am finding it is getting nute burn on the edge of the leaves , where as ouir other strains don't mind the ppm we are at , 600 . Do you use less nutes on ur SS ?
No man, my skunks suck up a lot of nutes and a lot of water.

I feed mine once a week with full strength Technaflora nutes and they love it.

Right now they are drinking 1 gallon of water each, every 2-3 days. Never seen a plant that uses that much water :)