Up to date bud prices thread:Jan 2010

Believe it or not those are my KY prices. Damn I need to tell my guy he needs to expand his operation, this is beginning to become valuable research. All his shit is legite (seen the grows) he orders his seeds and gets some seeds from a contact in Cali. Where I am marijuana has taken a serious back seat to meth. His ability produce what anyone would call the "chron" is bar none. That sucks that you have been shafted in KY but I think thats a risk anywhere you go.
I've lived in Kentucky for 11 years now and have never found chronic for 200 a zip. More like 360-400. I've lived in Lexington and Louisville. Showhard2handle, sounds like you just got mixed up with some people who don;t know shit, but I have to tell you, it is about who you know and how you can find it. I used to buy White Widow and Northern Lights on the regular when I was in college in Lexington. But I moved to Louisville and had trouble finding decent mids. Now I live in the hills, and everyone back here shows me what they think is the "fire", but it ain't nothing but dirt weed.

Sorry you had a bad experience with KY, man
uk at mo hard 2 gt ozs in one bit evry1 doing tenner a gram so 280 an oz for middle range and top bubble hash 5 a gram plate or decent rocky 60 a oz fckin rip of g.y.o
28 x 5 = 140 but he does em at 120 thats in sterling so yeah gotta be around $200 mark how much where u r brev? its nice stuff jus warm up in ya hand and pick at it wit fingers try to burn it an it jus bubbles into a sticky mess
it comes in frm morrocco every 3 mths or so a friends friend ahhemm has a small business over there how much would it be in the good ol US of A
ah well i guess i shud be grateful then :) still prefer agd weed high though. jus like a little bubble once or twice a week
what about butter? does it sell by the cup or by the gram? how much would cupcakes or brownies go for? i gave 15 plates as xmas gifs each plat had 4 brownies 2 cupcakes 8 suger cookies 2 chocolate chip muffins and 20 peanut butter cookies all of them were made with cannabutter but the brownies,cupcakes,and muffins had ground shake also im woundering the value of each gift