Unsulphured Molasses???


Well-Known Member
Is there a big diffrence between blackstrap and unsulphured Molasses, I picked it up at the store but if its not the right one, dont want to damage my plants, does anyone out there use molasses in the final weeks?? comments on the final results?? Thanks:peace:


Well-Known Member
It's all unsulphered, as far as I can tell. No difference. Blackstrap is just a step in the processing of molasses. Most folks on here seem to be finding "Grandma's" brand.
I've read both "start using it 1 month into flowering" and " use it the entire grow" so?
I'm using it for the first time @1TBS per gallon. Had some plants a month in. They are doing well and the molasses has definitely bulked them up. However, other plants that were 1-3 weeks into flower are really, really showing improvement on bud size/dankiness.


Well-Known Member
It's all unsulphered, as far as I can tell. No difference. Blackstrap is just a step in the processing of molasses. Most folks on here seem to be finding "Grandma's" brand.
I've read both "start using it 1 month into flowering" and " use it the entire grow" so?
I'm using it for the first time @1TBS per gallon. Had some plants a month in. They are doing well and the molasses has definitely bulked them up. However, other plants that were 1-3 weeks into flower are really, really showing improvement on bud size/dankiness.
Whats up Mr. Fishy, yeah thats the stuff I picked up, alright cool now my girls are 5 weeks into flowering my avatar pic is the bud I snipped yesterday, clear/milky, and a cpl amber trichs, got it water curing right now, so do you think I should give them the molasses this far into flowering, there on straight water now, I know I have a few more weeks to go, and the hairs on my other plant are still all white, better pics in my journal, thanks


Well-Known Member
Kush, all I can tell ya is that I'm real glad I started using it when I did and will continue, barring any major sugar insects becoming an issue. I'd go for it now (you're already behind!)


Well-Known Member
Understanding Molasses
Do you know the difference between types of molasses? We often hear the term "blackstrap molasses," but what does that mean?
The quality of molasses depends on the maturity of the sugar cane, the amount of sugar extracted, and the method of extraction. There are three major types of molasses: unsulphured, sulphured and blackstrap.

Unsulphured molasses is the finest quality. It is made from the juice of sun-ripened cane and the juice is clarified and concentrated.

Sulphured molasses is made from green sugar cane that has not matured long enough and treated with sulphur fumes during the sugar extracting process. Molasses from the first boiling is the finest grade because only a small amount of sugar has been removed. The second boil molasses takes on a darker color, is less sweet and has a more pronounced flavor.

Blackstrap molasses is from the third boil and only has a commercial value in the manufacture of cattle feed and other industrial uses.


Well-Known Member
O man I just made a thread about this, and then I find this page, AFTER I searched for it and couldn't find what I was looking for :S ... https://www.rollitup.org/organics/91866-molasses-unsulphured-blackstrap.html

Grandma's seems to have lower levels of nutrients than the black strap, but doesn't have any sulphur. If someone is able to could you post a pic of the nutritional info of Grandma's on my thread thing, for a comparison with the Blackstrap, cheers!


Well-Known Member
I use Blackstrap unsulphured molasses too. No problems at all. What I do is, I give it to them every other feeding, because there's some molasses residue left in my watering jugs the second time through, so i figure why add more. After two feedings, there is no more molasses residue and I give them another dose.

It's a fairly subtle effect on the final buds, at least for me. The smoke is slightly sweeter, so if you're not a sensitive taster/smeller, you may not notice much effect.

It won't do any harm to add molasses later in flowering; that's what I did when I first tried it. Of course, that made the effect even more subtle, so that I could barely tell a difference at all. Honestly, the benefit seems so slight that when I run out of molasses, I probably won't buy more. Of course, I did buy a 1-gallon jug, so I probably won't be running out until 2025 or something. ;)


Well-Known Member
Bongulator - Some friendly advice/info: If there's residue left in ur watering container then it's not dissolving the way it should to have maximum effect. Also if you're using water straight from the tap, it's most likely chlorinated (most parts of the world add chlorine to kill off bacteria). When using organic feed (such as molasses) you should *bubble* the water for 24-48 hours before adding organic matter to it, otherwise the chlorine just kills off the microbe population before it has a chance to do anything. Once organic matter is added to the water (after 24-28 hours bubbling) you should bubble for a further 24 hours before watering with it (just some help for those organic growers out there who want to get the most out of their plants)

*bubble* - using an air pump and stone to agitate and add oxygen to water until all chlorine is 'burnt off' ... Organic matter can be bubbled too to encourage microbial populations to breed (WARNING: Use a bucket about twice the size of what you need cause the more organic matter you add to the water, the more it will froth up (like the head of a beer) over time, and you don't want it spilling everywhere)
