Unpopular opinions

If you don't want me to tailgate you, Move to the Right Lane, or Pull Over, whatever you decide, Get the Fuck Outta my Way, lol.

When I have the time, I like to pull in front of the slow moving asshole in the left lane, and progressively get slower and slower until said asshole finally moves to the right to pass. If I'm feeling really good, I'll move over with him and just keep it slow until he moves right again. Sometimes they will pull up next to me and call me an asshole. The irony is delicious...
When I have the time, I like to pull in front of the slow moving asshole in the left lane, and progressively get slower and slower until said asshole finally moves to the right to pass. If I'm feeling really good, I'll move over with him and just keep it slow until he moves right again. Sometimes they will pull up next to me and call me an asshole. The irony is delicious...
Most Coloradans are cool and get over, but we have some dipshits here too. Especially the Flatlanders that take I-80 to go Ride or Ski.

The West Coast places I've lived in like Seattle don't give a fuck about other drivers. It's like survival of the fittest there now.

And the Midwest states drivers seem to have no idea about common sense driving rules. I'm talking like North and South Dakota, and those states. They are great at waving when you pass, but they've never heard of keeping right except to pass.

Oh, and then you have the really selfish fucks that just drive in the left lane all the time because that's the safer lane to be in. And whe you pass them and give them mad shit, they just look straight ahead like they're clueless. You know what I mean. Well I make sure they realize how dangerous the left lane can be when you're fucking with my system, lol.

Sorry for the rant, but how's that for an unpopular opinion, lol.
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Also I have to put pineapple on my pizza, it is gross and too tangy otherwise. I do not like tomatoes, except with sugar ketchup!!!!!
Beware of judgements of others.

In this imperfect world in which we live perfection is an illusion and so the standards by which we seek to measure it are also in themselves illusions.

If perfection is measured by age, grace, color of skin, color of hair, physical or mental prowess than we are all lacking.

It is well to remember that the harshest judgments are reserved for ourselves.

Master Chen Ming Kan
1. Anthony Bourdain started his writing career running Emerald down for being a sell out then died a massive one.
2. Eminem's horror rap schtick was 100% stolen from Necro.
3. Eleanor Rigby is the best beatles song. The rest are all pretty much trash.