Unpopular opinions

Mom jeans...why the hell did kids bring back those monstrosities? What's next, leisure suits with big shoulder pads? ew...just ew.
I didn't know this thread existed!

Things that suck:

1. Strains named after food.
2. RVs (including ATVs)
3. Taylor Swift
4. American pilsners
5. Reality TV
6. Social media (ya, I know)
7. K-cups
8. Cornhole
9. Fly fishing
10. E-bikes

Things that are awesome:

1. 5-speeds
2. Silence
3. Walking as transportation as much as possible
4. Curiosity
5. Bluegrass
6. Saying "you're welcome"
7. Putting stuff back where it goes
8. Just having a couple drinks
9. Patience
10. AND - Christopher Hitchens