Unknown strain- under 150HPS. + Salvia D.


Active Member
First timer here. The last eighth I bought had a bunch of seeds in it, so I decided to see what I could get from it. This plant is 3or4 mos. of growth. The reason why it looks really ragged is due to my neglect, and lack of funds. I basically put it outside in a bucket and let it grow, only watering it every three days or so. Bugs got to the lower leaves, and majorly stunted the growth. It has a very weak, thin stem too.

Since growing plants is harmless and not too expensive I wanted to revamp my whole production; or at least put a little more effort into growing, so this is the setup I have. I have just planted a few seeds in the two smaller pots with Fox's Sea scape soil, and mixed in a little more bat guano (black bag) to increase the nitrogen in the soil. The other 5gal. bucket has two or three seeds just starting to sprout. Also, I decided to invest in some better lighting. The buckets and pots are under Sun system's 150W HPS basic lighting setup which is now on a 17/7hr. timing set up. The box fan is for circulation. I have a bowl of water there for the time being for humidity. It's very humid in the southeast, so I'm not too worried about low humidity. The whole setup is in an attic-like crawl space, with insulation. You should be able to see the space I am working with in the pictures, so there is more room for more lighting, plants, and w/e. The whole lighting, soil, fan, timer, etc... cost me a little over 200. I'm on a really tight student budget, so I'm not too willing to spend much more.
But I would love any ideas on cheap nutrients that might be able to pick up....also I will keep up on this grow journal about twice or more a week.
Basically anything helpful would be appreciated...

Oh and the outdoor plant is Salvia. It really started growing when I added the bat guano. Salvia is kinda like my control plant. I just let it do its thing and water it every so often. It's been growing for 5 or so months.



Active Member
I added an extra CFL to the setup...though I really worried about the stalk collapsing under the colas weight.

I have placed 9 seeds in the wet papertowl configuration to start germination. We'll see how many start sprouts, b/c a few seeds look really unhealthy. 3 or so look like viable seeds.
Ordered 5 PPP female seeds from Nirvana. Totally stoked to get those in.


Active Member
Alright! one of 9 seeds have sprouted so far. This one is going into the smaller brown pot to start with.
So I have 5 Female seeds of PPP coming and just got 5 more of Agent Orange from an auction.

I set up that whole gallon container with yeast and sugar water to promote CO2....and hopefully this weekend I can get this whole electric system tricked out with a friend who knows house electrical systems.

Anyone have any ideas on how I could exhaust and put intake in for flow when the only entrance/exit to this crawl space is a 4'X2' door? It's all insulation and plywood all around. I can't drill holes in the roof or on the floor. I hit a wall on what to do about ventilation.


Active Member
Just added 2 150W CFLs. Picked up an evaporation humidifier, and Fox Farm's Tiger Bloom and Grow Big nutrients.
My temp. is @ 85F, but I have all the air circulation I can get from this insulated room.

Anyone have any idea why the edges of my larger leaves are rolling up slightly?

I've included pics of the new growth, and setup.



Active Member
Growth is still coming along.
Definitely stoked that my raggedy-anne's stem is growing, maybe she'll be able to handle the weight of the shoots after all.

Um, oh got the PPP fem. seeds in today from Nirvana. They are awesome. They came in a box of sample colored pencils. How ingenious! I have just put them in the germ setup. I'm hoping to be able to plant them in the next day or two. I already have my pots of soil ready to go. I plan on growing the strongest plant as big as I can given the setup I have. That way I can clone off my mother plant.

My Salvia plant is like :Meh: w/e. I dunno. Maybe I should just shove it into the ground out front and see what happens. Too bad Salvia just was made illegal here. Plants being illegal is an oxymoron!
Temps. down here are still in the mid80s during the day. Definitely hoping it cools off soon.



Active Member
So I was able to tap into my electrical and split the main line into another series. Now I have an receptacle on the inside of the attic. This also allowed me to add another 2 CFLs to help sprout the seeds of PPP which I planted this morning.

I also was able to add a vent to the outside where the roof over hangs the side of the house. The ventilation tube is ported into the space where a small screen to the outside runs the length of the house. Now all I need is a small 4" diam. fan that can pull air in through the tube...hmmm?

I think I'm going to start flowering in two weeks or so, since Raggedy ann is looking pretty full.



Active Member
good to see you got ur power situation done right. im lookin forward to pressuring u into harvesting a little sumthin sumthin early so i can mooch off ur buds. ill hit u up if i ever find some green.


Active Member
well well. you're welcome to get a clone or two. But I'm prolly going to start flowering on the first, and than I guess well see how long flowering takes. Hopefully I'll have a nice, first harvest by 2nd week of Dec.

My PPP has all started sprouting. Tomorrow morning they all should have their cotyledons out. I'm still waiting for my last seed to push more root tip out of its shell before I plant it. once planted I guess I'm going to let these plants grow as big as will fit in that room. I'm considering doing a SCOG on one or more of the PPP girls. Jollygreengiant has had some amazing harvests from using scog. Check out his recent harvest on his journal.

Also I need to find out about the other 5 seeds I won on an aution from bidzbay. Agent Orange strain, but I dunno how the cash situation is working out with the breeder.

horticulture is the sex.


Active Member
damn dude ur kickin my ass. i think my seeds got fucked w/by customs or something cause i havent gotten them yet and they hit ny on the 10th i might order some more soon tho


Active Member
I have no Idea dude. My other set of seeds I bought on bidzbay was never sent, but I sent money over....I dunno. Maybe some random day they'll show up

But anyway, I have some left over bag seed from a friends buy that she got in FWB area, if you want them? I don't know what they are. Personally I didn't have a good reaction to it when we smoked it. My heart was racing really bad. But nonetheless I have that if you want it. I may plant one or two of them since one of my PPP sprouts never broke ground. Kinda bummed about that.


Active Member
I got my seeds today but thanks for the offer. Im germin 1 durban poison 1 northern lights 2 ww and 2 red sour diesel. How old are ur sprouts now and how old is that bush? Is the bush bag seed?


Active Member
Good thing your seeds finally came in.

The sprouts are about 5 days old. They're putting out their second and third pair of leaves.

The bush is like 2 mos. I'm going to start the flowering process on the first. I gotta figure how I can get lots of light to both the new plants and the flowering one, when they'll be on different light schedules.


Active Member
So it's been slightly more than a month from my very first post on this grow. The unknown strain is a week into its flowering stages, though no major signs of bud. I hope to see some major evidence in the next week or so.

The other 3 PPP plants are coming along nicely. I think I had a little nute burn early on, so I cut back to nutes only 2ce a week now. The PPP plants are almost two weeks old.

My Salvia D. is still hanging on. She looks terrible, but I've stopped trying to solve her problems at this point...who knows.


Active Member
My Salvia is done for. The leave's edges are really crispy....Sucks, but I did get to experiment from it for awhile. You learn something from every grow.


Active Member
It's been 5 days since my last posting of pics of the PPP.

The temps in my room have been in the lower 90F, which is really awkward since it is Nov. Today's outside temp was 85. This crazy sunshine state weather is pissin' me off. I want and need the cold to come through.

The other bush pic has lots of bud sites, but they seem to be filled with seed-looking structures. I know they're not pollen sacs, since I've pinched one off in my hand. But maybe it's just a really seedy strain from the bag seed I grew it from. Whatev. At least I got my PPP

