Unknown Plant problem.


New Member
The plant is fruit punch from herbies it's an auto and is 60 days in. I originally had some nute burn but I fixed that I believe. My humidty is 40-45% and my temps range from 71-81 Ph going in is around 6.2-6.5. I also thought it might be lightburn but from my 135w UFO so i moved it to 12 Inches away a week ago. The leaves coming out of the top of the buds seem to be mottled brown and yellow, the plant also doesn't seem as frosty as I would like at this stage. Any help would be greatly appreciated. foto_no_exif (2).jpg foto_no_exif (3).jpg foto_no_exif (4).jpg foto_no_exif (5).jpg
Whens the last time you fed that? MIR(make it rain) that bitch. What ppms you feedin @? That looks like the problem imo
Yesterday I gave the normal amounts of nutes. Should I water her again today? I am following the bio bizz chart as thats the nutes I have.
No, dont over water her how many clean waterings (no nutes) are you you giving her in between feeding? are you using r/o or tap?
Yea I flushed it for a week a week ago. I give nutes weekly normally every 3rd watering. I am using filtered tap water that I PH.
Looks like the plants burning off the excess nutes then and you already fixed the heat issue which the curling tips are a symptom of...Chalk it up to experience she looks about done IMHO.
I think you raised PK too far too fast. Maybe feeding too much with not enough runoff (salt buildup, acidic soil).

IMO, pH'ing nutrients in soil is less important than monitoring the runoff ppm. That will give you an idea if you're overfeeding (and/or not getting enough runoff for the amount you feed). I like to get 20% runoff. Have you been getting much runoff?

If it were me, I would feed mild (1/4 strength) with 100% runoff (a significant flush) then feed half strength for awhile. Be sure to let the soil dry very well. Soil ph rises as it dries, and salt build up holds it lower. You want to help it reach the higher pH levels by letting it dry very well. (People tend to chase pH in these circumstances, trying to affect the soil, and water too frequently, keeping too wet and acidic).

Finally, instead of following a schedule, you should be aware of the actual NPK ratio you're actually feeding. It's common for these schedules to raise PK too far too fast (too soon), reducing N too soon. You can enter the info from your bottles into this spreadsheet and determine the NPK ratio of every feeding. That would be good info for you to have so you can "read your plants" and compare to other boutique schedules.
I am using filtered tap water that I PH.

When you say "filtered tap water," filtered how? Reverse Osmosis? If not, what is the ppm of your tap water? If it's high, it can cause problems.

I don't think that's your problem. But, it would be good for you to know your starting water's ppms (if it's not RO water).
I haven't measured my filtered water ppm (it is filtered using a fridge filter) as my meter didn't arrive and i have had to re order it ( i have one plant and this is my first grow i am a total noob at this stuff). You are right i don't get much run off only around 10% I will do what you say next time I water it and make sure it has 100% with 1/4 nutes. If she has had root loss for some reason is there anything i can do to fix that or not. Also do you think i will be able to get a smokeable product bearing in mind all the problems i have caused. Thanks for all the help and replies.
I haven't measured my filtered water ppm (it is filtered using a fridge filter)
That's a carbon filter to remove odors. It shouldn't affect ppms much. (I would just use it from the tap, not the fridge door. There won't be that much difference. Toss a pinch (1/16th tsp) sugar in each gallon of water to promote microbial activity which will exhaust the chloramines. And, it's good for the soil microbes too, promoting their activity.).

Do you get much mineral deposits in the shower, etc? That would give you an idea of the water quality. You can also call your water provider. They should be able to give you some info over the phone about the annual average TDS, and its makeup (if it's mostly sodium or carbonates). If you're in the US, they're required to publish an annual water quality report. You can usually find it online.

But, I don't think you would have gotten as far as you did with bad water. I think you would have hit a wall in the first 3 weeks.

Since you already flushed, you might continue with half-strength nutes (and 20-30% runoff). It's hard to tell what's light/heat damage versus nutrient excess/deficiency.

It would be interesting to now the NPK ratio you're feeding via the "schedule." It looks like it could use more N (which is common with schedules when they shift to a "bloom" mix.).
I haven't flushed yet I meant to say I will. http://www.hydrogarden.com/content/images/blog/23/12/main/Biobizz Grow Chart.pdf that is the chart i have been following for All mix soil. I am from the UK and don't think there are much minerals in the water at all, the fridge water has a lower ph of 7 compared to 7.5 of tap. I think I will water her tomorrow until I get 100% runoff with 1/4 nutes, with PH of 6.5?. I didn't have any problems in the first 50 days. Thanks for the help!
that is the chart i have been following for All mix soil.

What is the NPK ratio you're pouring into the soil?

I haven't flushed yet
"I flushed a week ago." https://www.rollitup.org/t/unknown-plant-problem.893662/#post-12172349

I am from the UK and don't think there are much minerals in the water at all,
I don't think it's a priority. But, it would be useful information to have for future grows.

the fridge water has a lower ph of 7 compared to 7.5 of tap.

The starting ph of the water is usually pointless. If it has very little minerals, its pH will be relatively unbuffered and have no "power" to pull the soil's ph. If you pH your nutrients (which I think is pointless), it would be interesting to know the difference in pH between using tap or fridge water. (If it has little mineral content, it shouldn't make much impact.).

I think I will water her tomorrow until I get 100% runoff with 1/4 nutes, with PH of 6.5?. I didn't have any problems in the first 50 days.

If you flushed a week ago and haven't fed (or fed lightly) since then, I would do half-strength and 50% runoff just to cover the bases. You don't want to go too far flushing and withholding food.
Sorry for the confusion I flushed a week ago I then gave half strength nutes then the normal amount of nutes yesterday, I meant i hadn't flushed today when i said yet. The grow is 4-3-6 (1m/L) the bloom is 2-7 -4 (4ml/L) And i have been giving a litre each time.
The grow is 4-3-6 (1m/L) the bloom is 2-7 -4 (4ml/L) And i have been giving a litre each time.

That is an NPK ratio of 1-2.6-1.8. That is pretty high P which can cause N-def appearance.

That's what I meant about following a schedule without knowing what's happening. If you fed 2ml each, that would be a more reasonable 1-1.7-1.7.

I strongly encourage you to use that spreadsheet and keep track of the NPK ratios arising from the schedule you're using. Eventually you can "read your plant" if you're more connected to what it's actually receiving. It also makes it easy to change to other products, create your own "schedule" using generic products.

You can look at my sig to see the ratios I use. I finish at 1-2-1.8. I do 1-1.5-1.8 in mid flower. (Where you're at is what I would consider almost "bloom booster" level. 1-3-2. I only do that once or twice at the end, if I do it at all.).
Okay thanks I will use the spreadsheet you linked it's seems like a really useful resource. I will give it 1-.1.7-1.7 tomorrow, should I continue to give 4ml/L of top max. Also will I be able to get a good product from this plant in the end if i fix everything.
should I continue to give 4ml/L of top max.

It doesn't seem to have much NPK value. Just a humic/fulvic goo. That should be ok. I use Botanicare Liquid Karma. Seems like the same basic principle (feed the soil biology). You can add a pinch of sugar to the water to aid in that too.

I think you'll find growing is more fun if you know the NPK ratios you're feeding, and begin seeing how your plants respond to changes in that ratio. You can supplement with generic things to change the ratio.

Schedules are easy when you start to grow. There is a lot to learn. This topic can be more than is needed. But, the problem with these boutique schedules is that you become locked into it because "it just works." Or, worse, you have poor performance because it doesn't work (like this case with P being almost a booster level.).

If you just keep a log of what you feed and what the NPK ratios were, before long you'll see a trend and be able to associate it to your plant's condition.