University plant study. (for all you indoor soil growers) easy yield increase

all you really need to do is use a watering can! that separates the water and allows O2 to get mixed with it when it soaks into the soil! Also not flooding when you water allows O2 to flow more easily through the medium, so you don't really need the airstone, because if you use the right watering techniques you can do the same thing without spending any money.
an airstone does not "super oxygenate" water. All it does is cause surface turbulance that will help with the exchange of gasses. It does not put oxygen into the water. If your water is already saturated with oxygen, which is should be you will see no difference.
You can get the same affect by filling one-gallon milk jugs and shaking the shit out of
them right before you water.

Google the term "protein skimmer". In essence, dissolved organic compounds will be caught up in the surface of the bubbles, creating a foam that can be skimmed off. This is bad.
If you're gonna aerate your water this way, do it BEFORE adding nutes, or you'll just take them out of solution.
It will definately help tap water by accelerating the escape of chlorine, as chlorine is a free radical.
I ain't sure of the ratio, but I've heard that peroxide (3%) can be added to the watering can to oxygenate the water.

omg lmfao again on here... air stone will evaporate the nutes!? you guys com on what about dwc hydro gets air stones ran 24hrs with nutes and they dont evaporate... with 950 posts I would think you have more intelligence than that. With organic nutes or nutes that have some organic compounds if you leave the water sit you NEED to air raid it or it will do stagnant and create bacteria. I do hydro but yes air raiding the water before you water....with or with out nutes will help because it raises the oxygen content in the water.
and yes water does have oxygen in it or hold o2 after you oxygenate it
When using tap water its a good rule of thumb to let it sit for 12 - 24 hours to let the chlorine, etc. evaporate. the same thing happens when you bubble your water, ALSO you add more oxygen to the water than it already has. Most tap water is not saturated with o2, just enough to make it water, the air bubbles added to the water do contain more o2 than the water originally contained. if you are using a reservior then you need to add the bubbling action otherwise the water becomes stagnant, therefore you do add o2 to the water, again negating the comments that it doesnt. otherwise you would see aquariums without those little bubbles coming up, etc.
what would you guys say if i told you i got a 12oz water bottle with holes in one side of it and a air stone inside it and got it filled half way up with water and i have it in the middle of my 5gal. bucket with soil all around it and on top of it and i planted my2 week old baby on top of it just to see what would happen. i have read about alot of different methods and im goin to see how this works here is a little painting i did lol:lol: to show you basicly what i did. ok i gots ta go .im getting me sum munchies and playin me sum black ops!!!!air setup trial.jpg