Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

Basic income could encourage people to be just plain lazy but I'm not opposed to the idea if presented more data.
The evidence from the limited experiments run to date show that about 1 in 10 stop working, mostly due to retirement or raising children.

Did you read the article and contents? Highly enlightening stuff.
With computer/robotic automation taking over more and more jobs everyday, if we don't shift to a system like this soon, there will eventually be widespread poverty in the United States on a scale that we can't even imagine.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. Even with automation, failing to address runaway inequality would lead to revolt.
How will this not cause inflation by the same amount as the BI, so that everyone ends up with more cash but the exact same buying power they had before? You still can't afford an apartment because you're still competing against all the same people who are now also getting the same stipend you are. Seems pretty basic to me, but what do I know, I'm just some stoner who works for a living.
How will this not cause inflation by the same amount as the BI, so that everyone ends up with more cash but the exact same buying power they had before? You still can't afford an apartment because you're still competing against all the same people who are now also getting the same stipend you are. Seems pretty basic to me, but what do I know, I'm just some stoner who works for a living.
High prices are caused and exacerbated by sky high income inequality. You're thinking about permanent scarcity but that's a false assumption because more housing can be built, nevermind all the housing that's underutilized today.
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My friends on EBT get 200 a month, , donates cannabis for another good amount of income. Doesn't work, has a very nice car and home. Basic income is already here just quit your job and sign on up !
It will eventually be necessary to prevent the collapse of society in 30-50 years once >50% of all current jobs have been automated. Right now? No. There's still plenty of work and jobs out there for people who want them.
how about getting a job