Unidentified pest. Can you name it?



New to the growing world but all my ladies having been going perfectly...till now.

The majority of my plants are 2 weeks into flower, 2 have been flowering for a few weeks. 2 days ago I noticed some pests on my leaves and took immediate action. I think there spider mites although they look like baby thrips... any second opinion would be much appreciated. I haven't seen any fly either.

I bought some Neem oil, Nite Nite Spider mites and was given a free local made experimental spider mite killer.
I sprayed each plant with Nite Nite Spider mite from the bottom up, making sure to spray under and on top of the leaves and all the stems. I did this in the hour before the lights went off. The next day I checked and no luck they were still there. I decided to give them a day break before spraying more Nite Nite Spider Mite as the leaves were a little brittle after the first spray. After the day break I repeated the process and still the little pests hang on.
Any suggestions why?

Before the lights go out again I plan to take each plant to the shower and hose the shit out them. Then I was thinking of spraying them all with some Neem oil and adding some ladybirds to my garden.

Below is the best picture I could get of one of the pests,a few of my garden and one of my sad budding hog(I think). I'm pretty happy how things have gone for my first time, I have 12 blueberry(clones which are growing all over the place(maybe a clone of a clone or something)), 8 moby dicy, 8 LSD, 1 reckege(the one with the most buds), 1 hog(budding sadly)and 1 unknown.
My set up is made of plenty of 'make do' solutions and all my equipment is a mash up of borrowed used gear. Bamboo and gaffa tap have been my best friend.

As I have little money and spent the last of it on the pesticides any cheap solution or tips on keeping these pests away from my baby girls would be much appreciated.

Thanks for reading and may your ladies grown tall and strong.

Photo 1: The Pest
Photo 2: The sad budding girl
Photo 3: My garden

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Active Member
I have the very same problem , I have tried Neem , tobacco , cigarettes steeped in water over night and then sprayed on, I have even used cooking oil in the water saucers, I have little flies that refuse to die !!! Even with fly spray !!! All my plants are infected even the babies. I don't know what to do . I have tried washing all the pots, and showering all the bases of the plant pots, nothing seems to work , so I don't know what to do . All my young plants are effected so I am now stuck and don't know what else to do , it has reduced the yield as well.
I came on here to up load the same type of photos you have put on I was hoping I would find the answer on here, but up to now I haven't , if I get an answer to this I will post on your thread. Heres hoping .....Lydia


Well-Known Member
That's not Spider Mites.
Pretty sure it's thrip larvae.
You need an insecticide containing spinosad.
My next grow, I intend to inter-plant with Pyrethrum Daisies to cure such problems.