Unhappily Unmedicated in Texas


Active Member
I've had severe anxiety problems since I was a kid. I've tried Xanax, Diazapam, Valuim, Zoloft, Paxil, Lorapam and Ozzy's favorite Prozac. None of the above helps that much.

Mother Earth makes the best remedy but I have to hide and feel like a criminal just get blessed relief.

Maybe Obama will help?....yeah right.


Active Member
well all these stupid conservative southern states wont pass or change any legislation to even have medical MJ.... oh that would be the life!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
don't tell me for one second your not smoking because of a simple MJ licence thing not being passed in texas?


Active Member
continue to support Ron Paul. or do what I did and move from the Lone Star State to the Mile High city and get your MMJ card


Active Member
I smoke for sure, It's a down right necessity. I just don't like the little things I have to do to remain stealth - plenty of visine and cologne. Make sure the car is in good working order (tags, stickers). Jumping on the "marijuana is for losers" band wagon at work to avoid suspicion from co-workers. Always worried that I might get busted for my little grow room.....it goes on and on dude.


Active Member
Fuck yah dude.... these Texas old asswholes suck. It's like, come on dude, its 2009.... not the fucking 40's, grow up, its fucking pot. Texas would be fucking awesome, if only we get fucking mmj going, Austin would be the new Humbolt/Amsterdam!!!!!!!! :)