Uneven mainlining


Active Member
Hey, I am using the mainlining technique to train my plant and have run into a problem. I did the first topping about a week ago and I have now realized that one of the sides is ahead of the other ( larger leaves, thicker stem). I think it's because I didn't quite tie them down evenly. I am noe wondering what I can do to remedy this? Would it help if give the slower side more light?


Well-Known Member
Hey it could be worse I just did one my plants two days ago and when I was bending one side down it broke off. But I like to experiment so I think I'm going to try a one-sided mainline and see how many colas I can get it to produce


Active Member
Hey it could be worse I just did one my plants two days ago and when I was bending one side down it broke off. But I like to experiment so I think I'm going to try a one-sided mainline and see how many colas I can get it to produce
Same thing happened to me, that's why I only have one plant left. I bent it without breaking and everything was fine and when I looked at it a couple hours later one side had snapped...


Active Member
Just stress the branches that are getting bigger. I don't mainline anymore but when I did I would come around every few days and "supercrop" the biggest one (s). Basically pinching without breaking the tallest ones at the top will stunt that top and allow others to catch up.