Understanding yield amounts.


Well-Known Member
So, I was reading the yield amounts for Critical Kush, and it says the yield amounts are typically 750grm/m2.
I would think that this is merely an estimate, and of course growing conditions/the growing environment play the largest role in how well the plant produces so one can only use it as an idea for how much bud they'll get from said plant.

Having said that....based on the assumption that growing conditions are ideal and the estimated 750grm/m2 is met, just how much weed is that? I'm completely lost as to how much smokable bud that translates to.
Can somebody give me a rough idea?

First time grow, have no idea what to expect here.


Well-Known Member
750g is a veritable fuck ton of bud. I dunno if thats a figure for its weight before its dried but that would be about 26-27 ounces so well over a pound, I don't think you'd pull that dry growing in a 3x3 space... or at least I wouldn't my grow is nearly those dimensions and ill be happy if I pull 5 ounces albeit its my first time growing so my hopes aren't too high and I'm sure other people are pulling a shit ton more from the same space but I still feel like 750g dry is a bit steep.