Underground Grow Room Idea


Active Member
ok so me and a mate were sitting around enjoying some bongs discussing how bullshit the police action has been around our area (everyones getting raided) which means theres a low supply around for instance one of my mates lives on 23 acres and he smokes and he got raided the other day and they found nothing so they searched on foot the whole 23 acres on suspicion of a "crop" anyways it took them 2 hours and they found nothing ha ha ha... so back to my idea and the point of this thread me and my friend had an idea to bury a shipping container or 10 underground mwaha haand then cut out door ways between them and u no the rest deck it out with the best stuff and grow the kronikest shit ever without have to worry about them greedy piggys so what are your guys oppinion note i live in rural queensland australia :weed::weed::weed: i have access to the machinery and land but not the cash to fund it as of yet


Well-Known Member
great stoners think alike, i had the exact same idea.. get a 53' container and throw it 30' into the ground and plant a crop or somethin ontop of it have a tunnel leading into a house closet or sumthin


Active Member
that is fuckin awesome i beleive a snitch would of been involved in fuckin up that operation it was very well done so just gos to show everyone dont tell anyone anything


Active Member
They were stealing power I believe... That was a setup to dream about.. Just reciently sold too.


Well-Known Member
ok so me and a mate were sitting around enjoying some bongs discussing how bullshit the police action has been around our area (everyones getting raided) which means theres a low supply around for instance one of my mates lives on 23 acres and he smokes and he got raided the other day and they found nothing so they searched on foot the whole 23 acres on suspicion of a "crop" anyways it took them 2 hours and they found nothing ha ha ha... so back to my idea and the point of this thread me and my friend had an idea to bury a shipping container or 10 underground mwaha haand then cut out door ways between them and u no the rest deck it out with the best stuff and grow the kronikest shit ever without have to worry about them greedy piggys so what are your guys oppinion note i live in rural queensland australia :weed::weed::weed: i have access to the machinery and land but not the cash to fund it as of yet

This idea is nothing new. I hope you got like $50k sitting around.

The major problems will be getting permits to dig massive holes, or finding out if theres any power/sewage lines underground. Also whos gonna be buying the shipping containers? When someone who has no company buys a shipping container, or several, then they just disapear its kinda heaty, especially if they were already searching and there was nothing.

Whos gonna do all the work? Can you do it all yourselves or do you trust any companies enough to do it for you.

How are you gonna get power hooked up? Its not like you can call the local power comapany and tell them to run a main to your underground shipping containers.

Have you thought about how your going to hide the whole project while its under construction? People are gonna see you digging a big hole, and all these shipping containers everywhere. But then after like 6 months the hole is gone and all the containers are gone.

It would only take 1 cop to fly by or even drive by to notice your little project and the whole thing would get busted.

That being said, if you ever could afford anything like this, I would order some of these bad boys.:fire:




Well-Known Member
Also depends where you live. I heard of someone doing this and getting busted because when it snowed the ground above the shipping containers was bare because of the heat

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
BCTrippin makes an excellent point, how the hell are you gonna conceal all the machinery, containers, trenches and huge fucking holes in the ground for long enough to get the job done? For a big op your gonna need running water, a drain and a big ass power cable, not to mention the tunnel to access your secret garden/s. It would be possible in a location well away from any prying eyes, but when the piggys are already sniffing around trying to bust everyone in sight? Surely that's asking for trouble.
Don't get me wrong, it's a great idea, and something I'd do myself if I had the money and a VERY remote piece of land that isn't likely to be disturbed. Just keep in mind that you'll need plausible answers for ANY questions that might be asked, and your looking at a lot of jail time if your caught doing this shit.
If you've already considered and accounted for everything mentioned in this thread, make sure you show us some pics of the build as it gets going, I'd love to see how you're gonna keep this under wraps.


Well-Known Member
im gonna do somethin about it
Oh, I'm sorry. You actually plan on doing something about it. How dumb of me .... oh yeah that's right, so did everyone else.

But what makes you different from everyone else?

i have access to the machinery and land but not the cash to fund it as of yet
How do you plan on funding this? Even one shipping container, all decked out would be 7K pounds, and that's from england. You'd need to find your own supplies. Shipping containers in the states would cost anywhere between 5-10K dollars each. So you want anywhere between one and ten of these. That's somewhere between 5-100K dollars, just for the containers. Then there are the ballasts, the reservoirs, the pumps, the carbon filters, the exhaust fans. Then paying for the water lines, and the power lines. Then masking the heat signature of them. Even if you had the machinery lying around to do it, you can't do all the wiring, plumbing, cutting of the containers yourself.

I would expect to pay upwards of 50K just for the installation of all of this stuff.

So you don't have 150K dollars lying around. Plan on having access to it soon?

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
So you don't have 150K dollars lying around. Plan on having access to it soon?
Oh he can just borrow that from a loan shark and pay it back when he harvests his first coupla crops:-P. I think money's the least of the problems in this project!


Active Member
[they raided that place more than four or five years ago i remember seein that same setup with a stone as an exit. they did get caught for stealing power.


Well-Known Member
well location would be pretty much everything, lets say u lived near the equator, and u were a farmer with tonnes of land and machinery.. most farmers have a backhoe, and lets say u had a way of getting a container... u could finish getting that hole dug and refilled in 3 days no prob... the only things ud really have to worry about is electricity.. but im sure if i were gunna do somethin this stealth id be usin solar pannels... anythings possible...


Well-Known Member
well location would be pretty much everything, lets say u lived near the equator, and u were a farmer with tonnes of land and machinery.. most farmers have a backhoe, and lets say u had a way of getting a container... u could finish getting that hole dug and refilled in 3 days no prob... the only things ud really have to worry about is electricity.. but im sure if i were gunna do somethin this stealth id be usin solar pannels... anythings possible...

It doesnt matter how fast you can dig a hole and bury a container....

You have to have Access to your underground container, This means your going to have to construct a tunnel out of steel or reinforced concrete to hold back all that weight. Either way it takes a lot longer that 3 days to wire, plumb, and build access to a container.

1 container for someone who has never done something like this would be an absolute MINIMUM of a 6-8 week project, and that would be with a 5 man crew working every day. Digging, plumbing, wiring, building all the concrete preforms. Then laying the concrete.

What are you gonna do when your little project is finished? Kill the all the crew that helped you build it and bury them too?

Your gonna get busted or robbed.

If you could ever even afford to bury and set up a 1 shipping container, you should use that money and invest in something that isnt fucking retarded.

Lets say you had 15k. Use 5k as a down payment on a house, use 5k to buy a bunch of gear (lights, filters, pumps, AC, etc) and keep the last 5k to cover your expenses for the first 6 months or until you can push out a crop.

With an underground container your literally "stuck" in that situation. Its not like you can just empty out the container if your gonna get raided. Good luck trying to explain why you have a shipping container buried in your backyard.

Even if it had no weed in it Im sure they would find something to charge you with for burying it without any permits. And for running power to it without permission.

Definitely not a new idea, and definitely not the greatest idea. If anything you should spend money on a Mobile grow room. That way if you had to every time the cops get a warrant to search you can drive to a new address and wait for them to get a new search warrant. :lol:


Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
If anything you should spend money on a Mobile grow room. That way if you had to every time the cops get a warrant to search you can drive to a new address and wait for them to get a new search warrant. :lol:

This intruiges me. When you say mobile grow room, are you meaning like a van or small truck, or a trailer or something?
I think it's a fantastic idea, but I'm interested in the logistics of such a thing. Is this just a thought you had or have you figured out a way to make such a thing work?