Undergerminated seeds?

Anyone out there could help me.....I planted some seeds most seemed split one had a tail....long story short I felt after 10 days of nothing....I would try and repot in Jiffy pods...bad idea lost half of them feel they might have suffocated So next I got 6 viable looking seeds on a plate.....next thing worried I would end up with nothing I germd another 4 and 24-36 hrs they all had tails...pretty long so I potted them in temp pots about.5cm deep......now waiting that was 24 hrs ago.....The problem should I re-germ the 6? I used a minute amount of root booster on the other 4 and feel that it helped them greatly! Should I try this with the 6 from before? Or leave them on the plate for another day or two? Any help would be appreciated! The seeds are from the Canadian Gov't MMAR program, so I was told they were hybrid st/ind and 80% female ratio....TY


Active Member
Are you using the paper-towel method?

When I germinate a seed, I get a small cup and fill it with luke warm water, then put the seed in the water, and cover it with foil (roots/seeds don't need nor want light, or any supplementary nutes to help it). 24 hours later, it'll normally be germinated. Its germinated when you have the little tail, that at least is a good sign the seed is viable. The tail is the initial root, which will follow gravity and grow downwards. Moving the seed around will confuse it, as it takes a little time for it to figure out which way is up and down. Sometimes it can take longer than 24 hours for the seed to 'open'. When it does, plant it a half to 1 cm down, then lightly water the soil. From there stick it in a humidity dome (I use a gentle-heat propogator). Within 2 to 4 days usually, it'll break the surface of the soil and begin its happy life.

Whatever your method for germinating the seed, all you need is darkness, moisture (which it absorbs, that triggers the cells to start dividing and thus grow), and a little time. Even when the plants are mature, the roots hate light, thats why most pots are black.

Once it breaks the soil, it moves quickly ... check out the attached pictures, the difference between the initial brakethrough, and the plant sitting upright is almost exactly 6 hours ... the first pic was taken at 10am this morning, the second at 4pm :)

TY for getting back....yes my metod is the same a shot glass and distilled water for inital germination....the only reason I added the rooting hormone cause of the problems I had with the first 12.....and I took off the dome cause they seemed too moist and a bit smelly....not rotten just dirty like dirt...lol I really don't know if I should submerge them again? O r just leave them on the plate? They are hard and dark and seemed pretty fat....I really don't want to screw this up...


Active Member
I think the biggest mistake you're making is trying to hard... the seeds you mention that had a tail, they were perfect and exactly as they should be. The less you tamper with them the better. Try the shotglass method again, leave them in darkness for around 24 hours, check them. If you're getting a wee tail, perfect! Thats when you should move them to the initial pot for growing. Then wait a few days, and they should break the soil and get on with life etc. If I were you I'd aim for a small pot with some nice soil or potting compost, nothing fancy, and plant them in there. Then put the pot in a humidity dome until they break the surface. Nevermind any smells, its normal for humid soil to smell 'earthy' so to speak. Not all seeds generate a pronounced tail (what you want) quickly, but if they split after sitting in water for 24 hours thats a good sign the seed is indeed springing to life. I've planted a few seeds that split but didn't quite have the tail, and they've all sprung to life once planted in soil and put in a humidity dome. Can take 2 days, or it can take 6 days, it all depends. Once in the humidity dome, put them under a gentle light, and once they're properly established, move them into the proper grow environment etc.

Whats actually happening inside the seed while its in the water, is the water creeps into the seed, and reaches the core. The water is the key for the seed to start dividing cells, and when that process has started its forward all the way. I'm honestly not sure how successful seeds that have been half germinated, then regerminated will be, I think thats a flip of the coin, at that stage its worth a try. The hardest part about growing, for me anyway, is the wait. Its damn hard to be patient, lol
Well I did try the shot glass method and suprizingly 3 sunk almost immediately but the rest floated on top.....thinking they were prob dead or rotten as I lost 6 from before. I left them at the bottom for 1 hr then put them back on a plate...etc covered and soggy. I figure I will give them a few more days like that....hopefully I get 2 or more to germ! The other 4 I repotted on Fri 4 pm and nothing yet...but I feel 2 more days...andhope I have some sprouts with these as they were all healthy and had tails so long they were curling in a circle....I have heard that curly tails can mean female? I hope this is true! lol Will update on Mon or Tues with good news.....


I wouldn't see a partial germinated seed being planted any different than just dropping your seed straight to soil and letting it germ the natural way. I gave up on the glass of water/paper towel method after having germination problems with a lot of bag seed. My last grow and current grow have been seed straight to soil and I have had 100% germination with 4 seeds.
Germination methods get me anyway. When we grow indoors we try and mimic nature as close as possible, from airflow to tons of light. Yet paper towels and glasses of water are considered the "Normal". K.I.S.S.

How deep are you planting your seeds?