Anyone out there could help me.....I planted some seeds most seemed split one had a tail....long story short I felt after 10 days of nothing....I would try and repot in Jiffy pods...bad idea lost half of them feel they might have suffocated So next I got 6 viable looking seeds on a plate.....next thing worried I would end up with nothing I germd another 4 and 24-36 hrs they all had tails...pretty long so I potted them in temp pots about.5cm deep......now waiting that was 24 hrs ago.....The problem should I re-germ the 6? I used a minute amount of root booster on the other 4 and feel that it helped them greatly! Should I try this with the 6 from before? Or leave them on the plate for another day or two? Any help would be appreciated! The seeds are from the Canadian Gov't MMAR program, so I was told they were hybrid st/ind and 80% female ratio....TY