underdeveloped roots

my roots on the bottom of my plants are very underdeveloped. i have two plants 1 8inches other 6. i started out with 6. thought they were root bound and threw out 4. to do a test i put i put one in a pot with hydroton the other in a dwc bucket system. could it be from squeezing rockwool cubes ...not enough light..(1t12 bulb, 3 18w cfl's and 1 1000w hps that i cut on periodically or could it be a nute thing....any one with any advice for the noob?
i would like to know what causes a underdeveloped root system. could it be lights....mine r 3 18 watts 1 t12 and 11000 watt (I RUN the 1000w OFF AND ON BECAUSE OF TEMPS) ......i also squeezed the cubes a little early on and now there all out of shape...could it be from my squeezing ...or could it be from nutes my ppm is at 575 ph is at 6. must forgive me i'm typing with a ps controller thx 4 even taking interest .....also it has been 4 wks from seed. 2 wks actually in a res


i would like to know what causes a underdeveloped root system. could it be lights....mine r 3 18 watts 1 t12 and 11000 watt (I RUN the 1000w OFF AND ON BECAUSE OF TEMPS) ......i also squeezed the cubes a little early on and now there all out of shape...could it be from my squeezing ...or could it be from nutes my ppm is at 575 ph is at 6. must forgive me i'm typing with a ps controller thx 4 even taking interest .....also it has been 4 wks from seed. 2 wks actually in a res
You want a good root system? I start off young in clone with superthrive, one drop in a quart spray bottle, I mist the clones each day with this while they root. Once they are rooted I use superthrive in each watering and after two weeks I give them a dose of molasses once a week with their water. I am posting a couple of pics of one started from seed, same routine misted with superthrive and watered with it. This plant was two weeks old when I stepped it up.


those roots look great....thnx 4 the advice....i have superthrive the gh flora series some h202 and some epsom salt. i started with 6 plants in a homemade dwc. i realized the pump was not getting enough bubbles to all 6 plants. the 1 with the least bubbles began to yellow an brown the one with the most was the tallest. decided to check the roots 1 day last wk and noticed brown sh*t around the rw and some of the roots had brown sh*t on them. panicking i threw out the ones with the heavy brown on them because they were all in one tote and i did not want to get them all infected if it was pythium.i also performed root cuts on one . i put that one in a black bucket system that came with the pump & hydroton and the other in a homemade net pot with hydroton. i hand feed the pot and the other one bubbles. the leaves r very green looking and besides a slight yellowing here and there they look good. the one in the bucket droops a little but other than that everything is good. and after all that i realized it could be
just the gh micro turning it brown. i still think it should be more roots ...and i feel like it should be more growth. so again could it be squeezing the rw cubes....only having 3 18w cfls and 1 t12 or something with nutes
just the gh micro turning it brown. i still think it should be more roots ...and i feel like it should be more growth. so again could it be squeezing the rw cubes....only having 3 18w cfls and 1 t12 or something with nutes
i finally have pictures to show.....the one in the bowl has leaves that are starting to yellow at the bottom and the one in the bucket(the one i cut)has a white tint to it at the start of some of the leaves but it was way worst than that. It drooped for like a week...i am trying to build up my skills and would love to hear your diagnosis.....took them with a camera phone so there not the best.....plants are going on 6 weeks in 4 days since planted from seed

