Well-Known Member
unless your perlite/ver DOES has nutes in it, I guess I shouldn't assume anything
I disagree....a hempy does better with no nutes for the first two weeks, if fact I tried feeding low level of nutes from day 1 and had signs of over nutesExcept he's in perlite/verm and they won't last that long without ANY food.
If your in perlite/ver I would start feeding them. There is no nutrition what so ever in your medium and I know a bunch of soil guys will tell you differently, but when your in an inert medium/hydro they need food from day one.
Just start very light, 1/8 or what the bottle recommends or more accurately, under 150ppm. That's total ppm, so if your using tap water it's already probably higher then that, I always recommend going with distilled or ro at this point so you can fed them.
I see a lot of new growers struggle with this stage and it's because all the soil guys scare everyone into NOT feeding their plants, even if they aren't growing in soil, lol.