Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

How much in taxes did you pay this year?

You dont pay taxes and dont work yet demand that the people who do work pay a lot more in taxes so you can get benefits for not working.

That attitude is irritating to the productive members of society.
wait a minute. Did you not say I was annoying when I tell her the same damn thing
How much in taxes did you pay this year?

You dont pay taxes and dont work yet demand that the people who do work pay a lot more in taxes so you can get benefits for not working.

That attitude is irritating to the productive members of society.

tell you what..

you post your return and I'll post mine..tax evader.

you know nothing about me.
tell you what..

you post your return and I'll post mine..tax evader.

you know nothing about me.
only what you tell us and what you tell us says you don't pay taxes. Do your still try to claim you children to get a tax credit too
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it's been proven to work ala Roosevelt.

and tax cuts are a fancy way of saying wealth redistribution to the top..in reality they don't get to decide who benefits how taxes are appropriated.. government does.

their brains are missing a chip.

the wealthy do not pay their fair share and even NO share..they are unamerican to let our country devolve in this manner.

no amount of talking to them will ever fix this though.

in business, they consider employee taxes withheld to be theirs..net to the employee (which is the real pay grade) the difference between gross and net theirs..that's why so many don't make tax payments on behalf of their employees and why government comes down hard with penalty and interest ..'but that's MY money'..I've heard this so many times..NO! you have fiduciary responsibility to your employee to transmit to government.

you would not believe the questions I've been asked in the past on ways to CHEAT their employees..how can/do I?
'mr Scorp I'm not the payroll police..all I can do is what you hired me for..consult on payroll tax law'..then I would issue a CYA letter outlining what they've been advised and what they are asking me to do which they must sign before I allow the file out for process.

therefore we will speak with our vote and they will also be limited to one vote..this we can do.

once Sanders is in the very next step will be to repeal and limit campaign finance..lobby MUST be disbanded or we will be stuck with the near same (not as bad as blackly blackensteins black cooties) gridlock regardless of his bipartisanship and tenure in Washington.

How many people, Sanders supporters even, complain about this yet purchase and own iPhones and other asshole products?

That auto correct is too good to fix.
Your chart shows that unemployment is a range between 6 and 12 percent. Much higher than what the government claims.

So why aren't you insisting the government publish accurate, unfudged numbers? Do you prefer to be misinformed? Does lying about the economy make it work better? The Republicans have tried it. It didn't work.
You need to google "No taxation without representation", so you would understand where it came from and what it meant.
Did you and others have the right to vote in you state ? Do you realize you were voting for representation. Now how your congress man voted is another story, but you do have representation. Why do you say stupid shit ? Almost as dumb as you not knowing how E-verify works, whilst claiming to unknowing hire illegal immigrants

I knowingly hired illegal immigrants because it was illegal to challenge their paperwork. This was before E-verify. I would send their SSN-W9 (I think) forms into the government and 4-6 months later some would come back unverified. One guy even put 123456789 as his SSN. They knew that they could work for several months and all they gave up was their deductions which were minimal since they were declaring between 9 & 14 kids.

This was how it was back in the suburbs of Chicago when I was running a manufacturing plant there.

I followed the law and watched the Illegals evade the law.

Dont know why you find this so hard to believe.
I knowingly hired illegal immigrants because it was illegal to challenge their paperwork. This was before E-verify. I would send their SSN-W9 (I think) forms into the government and 4-6 months later some would come back unverified. One guy even put 123456789 as his SSN. They knew that they could work for several months and all they gave up was their deductions which were minimal since they were declaring between 9 & 14 kids.

This was how it was back in the suburbs of Chicago when I was running a manufacturing plant there.

I followed the law and watched the Illegals evade the law.

Dont know why you find this so hard to believe.

Did you make this shit up while you were on the toilet this morning or just having wet dreams again?
Did you make this shit up while you were on the toilet this morning or just having wet dreams again?

If you farmed 20-30+ years ago, this was how it was. Harvest season was over and snow was on the ground and the help long gone before you knew who wasn't legal.

Could also cash HUGE checks and no one tracked that shit, it was like cash.
If you farmed 20-30+ years ago, this was how it was. Harvest season was over and snow was on the ground and the help long gone before you knew who wasn't legal.

Could also cash HUGE checks and no one tracked that shit, it was like cash.

Holy shit, I tried to cash a payroll check and they put me on a long ass hold. Next check comes in wed or thur and I get access to my cash today.

Shit is definitely funky in this great land mass called America.
tell you what..

you post your return and I'll post mine..tax evader.

you know nothing about me.

Bragging about the depth of your enslavement seems a little nonsensical.

If you pay more are you more responsible for the death and destruction of bad government policies too? How does that work?
Holy shit, I tried to cash a payroll check and they put me on a long ass hold. Next check comes in wed or thur and I get access to my cash today.

Shit is definitely funky in this great land mass called America.

The bad guys are working on ways to vilify and eliminate cash. It will be sold under protection and safety to the sheep...wait and see.
Lies and false dichotomies are the essential ingredients to their existence.
Fancy smoke and mirrors to keep us in the dark about their real goals.

They aren't stupid. They know the effects their decisions are making. They also know if they play on the hearts of the American people, they can get them to agree to almost anything. Like children.

The right tells us we must intervene on nearly every world conflict. The left tells us the rich are stealing from you and we are going to give you free stuff to even it out.

Both sides spend more than they take in taxes.