Under lighten your grow space


Well-Known Member
I just found out that my grow space is under lit...I have a Vipar Spectra 600w which they say you can grow three plants and a Mars Hydro TS 600w for 6 plants in a 4 x 4 space. I thought that was good enough .obviously I was told it wasn't efficient enough. I just ordered a Spider Farmer sf1000. I hope all three will be now efficient for My space but then I found out that the spider farmer 1000 is only good enough for one or two plants please help


Well-Known Member
I just found out that my grow space is under lit...I have a Vipar Spectra 600w which they say you can grow three plants and a Mars Hydro TS 600w for 6 plants in a 4 x 4 space. I thought that was good enough .obviously I was told it wasn't efficient enough. I just ordered a Spider Farmer sf1000. I hope all three will be now efficient for My space but then I found out that the spider farmer 1000 is only good enough for one or two plants please help
Here fishy fishy fishy.


Well-Known Member
And you know what you got something sarcastic to say every every time about my threads don't quit your day job troll