UncleBuck is Right About Rand Paul's Racist Ties

Buck, there's absolutely no fucking way I "liked" a post that made bad remarks about "niggers". I'm not a racist. @MuyLocoNC's post was most definitely modified after I liked it, by some tricky means, and then it was imaged.

I don't know enough about it to accuse anyone specifically, but whoever was responsible for that should man up and apologize to MuyLocoNC.

Everyone knows it was photoshopped. Saying a screenshot couldn't easily be manipulated is the height of stupidity. You smell that? Mmm, mmm desperation.
So let's start referring to white American people as British.

I didn't say Obama is Kenyan. I just said he's of Kenyan descent.

I'm an American, born and bred. But I'm of Irish descent. And it wouldn't bother me one bit for someone to refer to me as an Irishman. Except it would make me look like a Notre Dame fan, and I fucking hate Notre Dame.
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Man, you can smell the liberal desperation in the air. They are REALLY worried about 2016.

I think this country has already slipped off the right wing end of the plate and into fascism, so yes I'm worried about more right wing nutjobs who think that throwing around bags full of money in politics is a good thing.

Not that the democratic party is really any better...

Which of the Founding Fathers suggested a revolution every twenty years of so to clear out the corruption in government? Thomas Jefferson? IDR... anyway, I'd say we're a couple hundred years overdue by now.

This country looks more like monarchical Europe than Europe does.
Everyone knows it was photoshopped. Saying a screenshot couldn't easily be manipulated is the height of stupidity. You smell that? Mmm, mmm desperation.

Yeah, it was photoshopped. My main disappointment wasn't with Buck, because he's just the kind of shithead that would do something like that.

But another guy who was involved had my respect here for a while. I wouldn't have thought he would have done something that petty and childish and just plain hateful.
Yeah, it was photoshopped. My main disappointment wasn't with Buck, because he's just the kind of shithead that would do something like that.

But another guy who was involved had my respect here for a while. I wouldn't have thought he would have done something that petty and childish and just plain hateful.

Who cares? We all get trolled. Just stick with the original topic- it's a worthwhile conversation and I did learn something; that Rand Paul is even more stupid and reckless than I thought he was.

Who will stand for doing what's really needed in this country? That's a good question no one seems to have an answer for- on either side of the aisle.
Who cares? We all get trolled. Just stick with the original topic- it's a worthwhile conversation and I did learn something; that Rand Paul is even more stupid and reckless than I thought he was.

Who will stand for doing what's really needed in this country? That's a good question no one seems to have an answer for- on either side of the aisle.

None i am afraid!
Who cares? We all get trolled. Just stick with the original topic- it's a worthwhile conversation and I did learn something; that Rand Paul is even more stupid and reckless than I thought he was.

Who will stand for doing what's really needed in this country? That's a good question no one seems to have an answer for- on either side of the aisle.

There's not a candidate on either side that I could get excited about.

Condoleeza Rice, where are you? And why won't you consider a run for president? Hell, I'd vote for you...
None i am afraid!

And that's the problem, isn't it?

In addition we seem to have the idea in this country that voting is all a good citizen needs to do and then they can go about their business.

'Fraid not- Advanced Citizenship is more than just showing up on voting day; we need to hold our elected officials accountable for the jobs they do and the shit they pull! It CAN happen, we are ultimately the ones in charge, if We the People insist on being heard.
There's not a candidate on either side that I could get excited about.

Condoleeza Rice, where are you? And why won't you consider a run for president? Hell, I'd vote for you...

Condi is a dangerous right wing extremist, too- or she never would have gotten her job in the Shrubbery Too administration.

We need people who think fascism is the PROBLEM, and NOT the solution.
OK man, don't rip me to shreds here. :)

Not trying to do that, I'm being totally straight with you.

Our system is so beholden to the donor class that I'm just not sure we can right the ship and get our country back.

A couple of professors from Princeton did a study recently and concluded that America is MORE of an oligopoly than Russia, with the one percenters getting their way over ninety percent of the time- and the bottom ninety percent getting their preferences enacted only some twenty percent of the time.

That's not democracy, that's outright fascism. So how does one change the system so that it's more fair to everyone and not just those who have millions of dollars (now tax deductible!) to shovel into the campaigns of those they want to see elected?

It gets worse, too; since publicly funded news media like PBS have had their funding cut so much, they too can only survive on donations- and guess who provides most of that money? So how often do you think they'll run stories critical of THEIR donors?

Fun fact; did y'all know that in the ten years after 9/11/01 America has killed more than a million Iraqis- or, nearly five percent of the ENTIRE POPULATION OF THE COUNTRY?! It's public knowledge but our news media insists on misrepresenting the numbers. Why? So Halliburton can keep getting no bid contacts? So owners of defense companies can keep making their millions?

I'm very concerned that what's being done by my government in my name is going to come back and blow up in my face someday- literally.

Aren't you?