UncleBuck is Right About Rand Paul's Racist Ties

I asked if you sucked a mean dick. I never asked you to suck my dick. Like I said, I was simply wondering how you make friends. You answered my question perfectly. I'm more than pleased with your answer.

You gonna rat me out?


if i were you, i'd get my short term memory tested..hmmmmmmmmm..alrighty, then! let's compare notes to what you said above^^^^^ versus the actual posted quote below:

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nice! there's this little white t-bird i found at one of the shows..my dream car..actually, i wanted a triumph spitfire in racing day green when i first started to drive..i learned on stick shift.

i can drive a motorcyle, a bus..never did the ATV scene, they became popular in my late teens early 20's..

My dream is a sailing catamaran.
if i were you, i'd get my short term memory tested..hmmmmmmmmm..alrighty, then! let's compare notes to what you said above^^^^^ versus the actual posted quote below:

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"Can you suck A dick?"

"Not my dick. I don't want your filthy mouth near me."

If I wanted you to suck my dick I'd simply push your head down. Being the good girl that you are you'd know exactly what to do. That would never happen though. I have higher standards. ;)