Alright people WTF! Seriously! Who cares if he invented 4 branch topping or not! This thread is not about that so let it go. If you want to bash UB because you think he did or didn't invent 4 branch topping start a thread for that and don't post that garbage here! I can see this site forum has many fat, lazy slobs that have nothing better to do than sit on their fat pimply asses and spit box over the Internet! Grow the fuck up and mind your own business because
NO ONE values your opinion so keep it to yourselves!

I never understood the point of arguing over the Internet. What does it solve? Typically both parties are too much of pussies to do anything so you exchange a few
meaningless words that piss each-other off but both parties still go on living daily life with nothing changed so tell me what is the point?
Now that I think about it I guess I answered my own question. The point behind the Internet arguments is the simple fact both parties know there will be no face to face confrontation! I can only think of one word right now.