Bud mass (production) is dependent on the amount of (healthy) foliage mass.I'd actually rather not veg at all.. Can i do this??
Keep us posted with some pix, ya hear!RESPECT.brov..rep+...just done ma b/w...when clonning her she hung like a washing in the dome..straightened her up lets see how she goes...n1 mods fore making this a sticky....
No. Please review this thread.sweet... my new lady should be getting 4 then right?
No they don't count if the node dried up, doesn't have a thing to do with you losing the fan leaf at that node.Not even at the 5th or 6th node. Its the second node Im pretty sure.
UB. There are some clones Ive taken, and the nodes seems to have died off. The fan leaf there dried out, turned yellow, and was easily taken off. Do these still count as a full node? Or should I not count them when I want to top?
As I said, depends on where you top and how the plant responds. You will get two foliar outputs from the node below the cut. Just do the math. A plant with many colas will put out small colas. 1, 2, or 4 colas on a finished plant will be large - your call.how about for outdoor plants, whats the maximum colas possible? will they be large or small colas?
looks really leafy is it because its sativa?This is a better shot of the 4 main colas hanging to cure, sans the smaller side branches which I cured laying 'em out on hardware cloth. These colas were so heavy (and long) that they laid the plant over until I could stake it up. Of course sativa trunks/stems aren't very strong to begin with. I should have used a large tomato cage.
born2killspam is right. Mel Franks has shown in THC studies where stems can be every bit as potent as buds. The seed pimps have trained the masses into equating potency with crystal covered bud, nothing could be farther from the truth. In reality their ploys are there only for marketing. It's what inside the resin head that counts.looks really leafy is it because its sativa?
Excellent points, I see your hip to sativas. I got flamed, harassed and insulted by the punks at PG showing sativa bud in 2 gallon baggies, shots taken from 6' away which didn't show anything of course. Those PG MJ nerds don't have a clue, just suckas for pimps hawking sugar coated buds and snake oils.If you try to trim a sativa bud clean/tight then you're going to be disapponted by whats left..
One point to consider is that THC is found only on surfaces, and leaflets have quite a bit of surface area.. (As does sativa bud in general)..