Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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I don't do clones, only seeds, sorry.

Any time you top the plant becomes more bushy - your call.
Well, thanks for the reply regardless. I will give it a shot on a few and see how it goes this time around. I'm going to top above the 2nd node and see if I can get multiple leaders.


Well-Known Member
I have combed through this thread and google as well. I think I have the right idea but for absolute assurance I am posting this pic. By the way thank you for sharing your treasure trove of knowledge UB. In the pic I have a red arrow pointing to what I believe is just above the 2nd true node. Am I correct? If not which is it then. Thank you and my apologies if I overlooked a plain illustration such as this one that had already been posted.



Well-Known Member
I don't much like Uncle Ben, personality clash or what not, that's not his fault and that doesn't make him a bad person....

However, if I ever had a question about growing, I'd ask him before I'd ask anyone.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I have combed through this thread and google as well. I think I have the right idea but for absolute assurance I am posting this pic. By the way thank you for sharing your treasure trove of knowledge UB. In the pic I have a red arrow pointing to what I believe is just above the 2nd true node. Am I correct? If not which is it then. Thank you and my apologies if I overlooked a plain illustration such as this one that had already been posted.
Looks to be the third node. Looks like the photos on page one are history.


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed they appear to be history. So if that's the third node am I correct in seeing a total of 5 nodes? If so I will proceed to top just above the 2nd node for the 4 colas 8-). Here's one more pic of where the arrow is pointing to where I think I am suppose to top for the 4 main colas. Thank you kindly for the input UB.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Yes indeed they appear to be history. So if that's the third node am I correct in seeing a total of 5 nodes? If so I will proceed to top just above the 2nd node for the 4 colas 8-). Here's one more pic of where the arrow is pointing to where I think I am suppose to top for the 4 main colas. Thank you kindly for the input UB.
Looks like the 2nd node to me.

Would someone send a PM to potroast and request those pix be put back up?


Well-Known Member
Would someone send a PM to potroast and request those pix be put back up?
I would if I would think it would make any difference. The thing is, this forum software doesn't come with Albums software by default, hence the albums were not imported after the recent incident and following migration to this new forum software. I and others have requested the admin to add the Albums add-on for this forum and somehow get the old image imported. See and post here, maybe coming from you it'll help motivate potroast a bit: https://www.rollitup.org/t/new-and-updated-rollitup.822552/page-29#post-10510085

6 weeks ago:
Ok so we have an update on the User albums, The new software is installed however we have to build out the importer which is going to take us a bit. your albums are safe its just going to take us a bit to convert all the data.
Guys why are the pictures on the first page not showing up? I've seen those image placeholders on several other threads also. What's up with that? I really want to see Uncle Ben's pictures for this very important process. Is there anyway someone can fix this? Ben?


Well-Known Member
hey guys I want to top my plants...they've been vegged for about 2 weeks. and have about 5 nodes or so....

The only thing is the leaves on the first node are yellow...I am thinking maybe cause they would sit in the water puddle from when I watered the plants ? Medium is pro-mix hp, EWC, perlite, and dolomite lime.... It's either that or a Nitrogen deficiency I am thinking...

Anyways will I be ok still topping above the second node ? Or should I top above the third node cause the first node could be garbage with those yellow leaves ?

the last two pics show that each node has a top and bottom branch coming off each side....so maybe I have enough branches here to spare ?

sc263.jpg sc264.jpg sc265.jpg sc259.jpg sc260.jpg sc261.jpg sc262.jpg sc256.jpg sc258.jpg
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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Those seedlings are seriously stunted and yellow. They need N. What are you feeding them with? Don't top until you get normal growth and vigor.

Here's one of my crosses topped above the 2nd true node. The result is 2 main colas:


Here is another cross, a C99XDalat topped above the 2nd node and showing what will be 4 main colas:


And a week later showing the structure of the previous topped plant with the 4 new trunks developing nicely:



Well-Known Member
Those seedlings are seriously stunted and yellow. They need N. What are you feeding them with? Don't top until you get normal growth and vigor.

Here's one of my crosses topped above the 2nd true node. The result is 2 main colas:

View attachment 3163528

Here is another cross, a C99XDalat topped above the 2nd node and showing what will be 4 main colas:

View attachment 3163531

And a week later showing the structure of the previous topped plant with the 4 new trunks developing nicely:

View attachment 3163532
UB, even though they are in air-pots I think they began to turn root bound.....I have since transplanted to larger pots....Also temps are a little high...Mid 80s....

Other than the soil I have fed them nothing...I use Jack's Classic All Purpose 20-20-20...I just watered them...Was thinking of giving the 20-20-20 to them in a light dose.

That first pic you have listed looks like only one node to me...Looks like there is the cotlydon (sp?) then the one node....

The second pic to me looks like you cut it above the 2nd node for the four colas which I am seeing...That is what I am going after.

Oh ya, I also use Floralicious Plus...But I am not sure if that's good for vegging....I have only used it once so far...That was during flowering, and it seems to have worked fantastic.
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Active Member
I think once you dial in a system is the perfect time to switch it up. Learn how all the different systems work and pull the best from each into your own unique system.

That's how I do it, I take advice from everybody and make my own thing.

Here's an example of something that I put together with bits and pieces from cfl forums, hydro forums, micro/cab forums, and vertical lighting... Obviously a custom made system made for my space and need requirement :-)
that custom is fucking hilarious lol. made my collection of riu stolen pics :clap:

and ya, despite what UB says trying numerous things is cool, that's why I like following duudicals journal for example. I don't think you've fully enjoyed growing until you've done a great soil run, and a great dwc run and experienced all the setbacks that come with both :grin:


Well-Known Member
What did the rootball look like?

Mid 80's is perfect.

Give them a high N food like a 30-10-10 with micros.
the roots looked to be circling the air-pot kinda....Like they really weren't poking out the holes....I should have taken a pic....But on the bottom of the pot where there are holes some roots were popping out but there were two little square molds where the roots conglomerated. If that makes any sense...I have 6 outdoor ;plants I am putting in the air-pot propaganda pots shortly...If it happens again I'll take some pics.

thanks for the advice...Maybe I'll head over to the local hydro store, and see what they have for 30-10-10...I didn't even know that 30-10-10 existed, but obviously with such a higher N ratio it seems like it would be perfect for N deficiencies....
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