Well so far i have used about 1/2 teaspoon of nuts to 1L of water, and have nuted once. i am thinking about nuting every 3-4days.
In a typical soil using a typical fertilizer (30-10-10), that would almost fry my plants.
I was reading your topping thread UB and was wondering when i can top my plant, it is about 5-5.5 inches tall right now, i am worried about topping too early, today is day 21, its been in veg for about 6-7 days.
Man, I've discussed that issue in the thread until there is no tomorrow.

Top it when it hits 4 - 6 nodes. Your object is to have a vigorous seedling with a good root system at the time of topping.
Maybe this isn't the appropriate thread, but I would really love to see you elaborate on the concept of flushing your plants near the end of the flowering cycle and why you believe that its unnecessary. It is another wide-spread forum paradigm that you must perform the flush, but there is a growing underground movement of well-respected growers who do no such thing.
Great thread, once again
I don't do movements nor believe in them. I only practice common sense and for anyone to believe you're doing the plant any good by giving it pure water 2-3 weeks prior and up to harvest is nuts, and/or, they've never smoked homegrown, or Mexican, or Colombian field grown pot which isn't "flushed". As I've said before, I think "flushing" was founded by Dutch growers to atone for their sins of over-fertilizing throughout the life the plant. And of course you'll have the "what about taste?" mantra. If you want taste, smoke a Swisher Sweet.
Everyone wants to push their plants and make this growing thing so damn complicated. A plant isn't like a radiator, nothing is flushed out. Use judicious foods until harvest to maintain the health of the leaves, don't worry about bud production, forget the bud.
Sorry for the photo of 4.0 under HPS, but it shows the leaf distortion pretty well. I added a photo taken under incandescent so you can see better.
I'm planted in Ednas Best potting soil and fertilize with each watering a mixture of Fox Farm's Grow Big (6-4-4, 1/2 strength), Maxi crop (1/2 strength) and Super thrive (1/2 strength).
Any ideas?
Yeah, I've seen it before but it eventually worked itself out. Don't use Superthrive, it can work against you. Do a Google search.
Uncle Ben ~ when a plant grows above the light by 6"+, will the top still fully develop or does it need direct light?
If it needs direct light and you're unable to bend or adjust, is it better to trim off that which is above the light?
Or is it better off left alone?
This is the outcome of that C99XDalat I've shown that went right over the top and kept on going, I didn't trim anything after it outgrew the lights, plus it was at the perimeter of the garden receiving the least amount of light of any of my plants. Blows the myth that "more light=more bud."

The colas were so heavy I had to tie them up with chains. Eventually it fell over under its own weight and I was able to raise the light above it. Didn't seem to bother this lady! Why? Because it had plenty of food production from the abundant leaves.
Side view:
Top view:
UB, im sure its been asked before, but whats your soil mixture look like? I read through the thread again, but didn't see it. Hope I didn't miss it

Thanks for this thread.
Here ya go. Not set in stone though.
I use alot of brown sphagnum peat moss, a large bag of Schultz potting mix, and a bag of cheap potting soil (screened to get rid of the chunky stuff) to make up enough for 30 to 40 gallons of a final mix, which I mix on a cement floor using a shovel and store in large garbage cans. To this base which provides humates, an acidic hit, trace elements, etc. and a little silt to tighten up the mix and retain moisture, I add:
6 or so cups blood meal, 3 or so cups bonemeal, 4 cups dolomite lime, 1 large bag each of vermiculite and perlite (available at Casa dePOT) and alfalfa meal which contains a hormone called triacontanol (purported to increase vegetable production up to 60%). I buy alfalfa feed pellets from a farm and ranch supply store, put about 4 cups of the pellets in a bucket with a gallon of water and give it a good squirt of Ivory dish soap to cut the surface tension, let it stand for 30 minutes, and then dump the slurry into the mix on the floor. I sometimes add composted horse manure, maybe about 3 or 4 gallons of it. The final, slightly moist soil mix is turned well with a shovel and stored for a couple of weeks in garbage cans to "mellow".
Make it a great day,